200 Difficult Words - Group 1

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 200 Difficult Words - Group 1View Group Words   
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/'æroʊgeɪt/ v.
(हथियाना) claim without justification; claim for oneself without right

Spelling Word: arrogate
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/brʊsk/;/brʌsk/ a. Syn. blunt; abrupt
(अशिष्ट) abrupt and curt in manner or speech; rudely abrupt, unfriendly

Spelling Word: brusque
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/'bʌtrɪs/ v. Syn. support
(पुश्ता) support physically; prop up; support something or someone by supplying evidence

Spelling Word: buttress
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/'klɛmənsɪ/ n.
(क्षमादान) mildness, as of the weather; merciful, kind, or lenient act

Spelling Word: clemency
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/krɪ'dju:lɪtɪ/;/krɪ'du:lɪtɪ/ n.
(crochet) readiness of belief; disposition to believe on slight evidence

Spelling Word: credulity
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/ɪs'tʃu:/ v. Syn. avoid; escape
(त्याग करना) avoid; refuse to use or participate in; stand aloof from

Spelling Word: eschew
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/'fɛtɪd/ a. Syn. stinking
(बेड़ी) unpleasant-smelling; having offensive smell; stinking

Spelling Word: fetid
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/'hæknɪd/ a. Syn. commonplace
(जंगली) repeated too often; over familiar through overuse

Spelling Word: hackneyed
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/ɪ'nɪmɪk(ə)l/ a. Syn. unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental
(प्रतिकूल) unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental

Spelling Word: inimical
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/ɪ'nɪkw(ə)tɪ/ n.
(अधर्म) absence of, or deviation from, just dealing; want of rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness

Spelling Word: iniquity