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200 Difficult Words - Group 2 | View Group Words |
(Paragon) model of excellence or perfection; peerless example | |
(поверхностный) done routinely and with little interest or care; acting with indifference; showing little interest or care | |
(якобы) put forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown | |
(разреженной) long and thin; slender; having little substance |
(прозрачная) transparent; limpid; easy to understand | |
(непокорных) obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority | |
(упрек) scold harshly; criticize severely | |
(нехватка) scarcity; smallness of number; fewness |
(зеленые) green; full of juice in vegetation | |
(прозрачная) transparent; limpid; easy to understand | |
(первобытных) ancient; primitive; belonging to the first or earliest age; original or ancient | |
(почитать) treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of |
(обаятельный) agreeable; gracious; charming, often in childlike or naive way | |
(Трансмутация) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform | |
(первобытных) ancient; primitive; belonging to the first or earliest age; original or ancient | |
(обличит) voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke; find fault with |
(превратности) change, especially in one's life or fortunes; regular change or succession of one thing to another; alternation | |
(упрек) scold harshly; criticize severely | |
(благоприятной) presenting favorable circumstances; fortunate; advantageous | |
(узурпировать) seize and hold power or rights of another by force or without legal authority |
(многогранной) versatile; able to take on many shapes; readily taking on varied shapes | |
(почитать) treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of | |
(досаждать) annoy; disturb, especially by minor irritations; be a mystery or bewildering to | |
(честность) uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment |
(Трансмутация) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform | |
(зеленые) green; full of juice in vegetation | |
(похотливый) having or causing lustful thoughts and desires; having eager desire for something | |
(благоприятной) presenting favorable circumstances; fortunate; advantageous |
(нехватка) scarcity; smallness of number; fewness | |
(донкихотских) idealistic without regard to practicality | |
(педантичный) marked by precise accordance with details | |
(бессмысленное) unrestrained; willfully malicious; immoral or unchaste |
(изобилует) filled to brim or to point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied | |
(первобытных) ancient; primitive; belonging to the first or earliest age; original or ancient | |
(тайный) secret; done or made by stealth, or without proper authority; made or introduced fraudulently | |
(отверженным) person hardened in sin; person without moral scruples |
(подхалим) one who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people; bootlicker; yes man | |
(сонный) half asleep; inclined to drowsiness; tending to induce sleep | |
(священный) regarded as sacred and inviolable | |
(педантичный) marked by precise accordance with details |