laudable: a. deserving or worthy of praise and commendation | laureate: n. person who has been presented with an award for some distinguished achievement |
lave: v. wash or flow against; wash one's face and hands | layman: n. someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person; generally ignorant person |
leaflet: n. small leaf; leaf like organ or part | leaven: v. to cause to rise |
lecherous: a. vigorously passionate; excessive desire, especially in sexual activity | lechery: n. unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity; impurity in thought and deed |
ledge: n. horizontal projection forming a narrow shelf on a wall; cut or projection forming a shelf on a cliff or rock wall | legerdemain: n. show of skill or deceitful cleverness, considered magical by naive observers |
legible: a. readable; distinct; plainly discernible; apparent | lend a hand: v. to be of assistance |
lengthy: a. long and overextended, especially in time rather than dimension; rather long or too long | lethargy: n. inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy |
leviathan: n. something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship; very large animal, especially a whale | levy: v. impose tax or fine to collect monies |
lexicographer: n. author or compiler of dictionary; one employed in making of vocabulary or wordbook of language | lexicon: n. dictionary; a stock of terms used in particular profession, subject, or style; vocabulary |
libertine: n. free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint | libretto: n. text of dramatic musical work, such as opera |