Word Root: phil

love, friend
From Greek: philos
Sample words for the root phil: philanthropy, philology, philharmonic, philosophy, philanderer, philanthropist, philistine. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of phil
1 philanderer   Speak  
n. faithless lover; fickle lover; flirt, usually applies only to men
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2 philanthropist   Speak  
n. a person who loves humankind in general; a very generous person or institution
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3 philanthropy   Speak  
n. voluntary promotion of human welfare
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4 philharmonic   Speak  
n. devoted to or appreciative of music
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5 philistine   Speak  
n. a person who refuses to see the beauty or the value of art or culture.
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6 philology   Speak  
n. study of language; investigation of language and its literature
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7 philosophy   Speak  
n. body of highest truth; investigation of nature, causes, or principles of reality
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