Word Root: super

high, higher than
From Latin: super
Sample words for the root super: superior, supervise, supervision, supervisor, superfluous, supernatural, supersede, superimpose, superlative, superficial, superb, superficially, superintend, superstition, supersonic, superstructure, supercilious. Each word has meanings and examples. Click their buttons to get sentences selected from classic works and modern media.

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 Words of super
1 superb   Speak  
a. of unusually high quality; excellent; wonderful
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2 supercilious   Speak  
a. arrogant; feeling or showing haughty disdain; overbearing
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3 superficial   Speak  
a. trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only
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4 superficially   Speak  
ad. in a superficial manner; shallowly; surface only
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5 superfluous   Speak  
a. being beyond what is required or sufficient
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6 superimpose   Speak  
v. place over something else; place on top of
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7 superintend   Speak  
v. oversee with the power of direction; take care of with authority; supervise
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8 superior   Speak  
a. greater rank or quality than other people or things of the same type; excellent
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9 superlative   Speak  
n. an exaggerated expression, usually of praise; the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
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10 supernatural   Speak  
a. not existing in nature or explanation according to natural laws
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11 supersede   Speak  
v. be placed in or take the room of; replace; make obsolete; make void or useless by superior power
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12 supersonic   Speak  
a. having, caused by, or relating to a speed greater than the speed of sound
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13 superstition   Speak  
n. excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion
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14 superstructure   Speak  
n. physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form; part of a building above the foundation
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15 supervise   Speak  
v. manage a department or project and make sure that things are done correctly; administer
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16 supervision   Speak  
n. management by overseeing the performance and making certain that everything is done correctly
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17 supervisor   Speak  
n. director; overseer; one who is in charge of a particular unit, as in government or school system
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