CASES in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
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 Current Search - Cases in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
1  But in that case she knows who it is.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
2  In that case we should have to commence our investigation from a fresh basis altogether.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
3  Simple as the case is, there have been one or two very instructive details in connection with it.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
4  The nature of the bill showed that there was a lady in the case, and one who had expensive tastes.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
5  We approached the case, you remember, with an absolutely blank mind, which is always an advantage.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
6  But a new element has been introduced into the case which may account for his leading the horse from the stable.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
7  That is the case as it appears to the police, and improbable as it is, all other explanations are more improbable still.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
8  Not another word did he say of the case until late that night, when he was turning away, with his lighted candle, for his bedroom.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In III. The Adventure of The Yellow Face
9  And I think that your time will not be misspent, for there are points about the case which promise to make it an absolutely unique one.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
10  Inspector Gregory was full of his case, and poured out a stream of remarks, while Holmes threw in an occasional question or interjection.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
11  Upon my word, Watson, there is something very attractive about that livid face at the window, and I would not have missed the case for worlds.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In III. The Adventure of The Yellow Face
12  In the meantime, the matter is being actively investigated, Mr. Lestrade, one of the very smartest of our detective officers, being in charge of the case.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
13  On Tuesday evening I received telegrams from both Colonel Ross, the owner of the horse, and from Inspector Gregory, who is looking after the case, inviting my co-operation.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
14  Indeed, my only wonder was that he had not already been mixed up in this extraordinary case, which was the one topic of conversation through the length and breadth of England.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
15  Therefore Simpson becomes eliminated from the case, and our attention centres upon Straker and his wife, the only two people who could have chosen curried mutton for supper that night.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
16  I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with the case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box
17  I shall enumerate them to you, for nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person, and I can hardly expect your co-operation if I do not show you the position from which we start.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
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