WATSON in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
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 Current Search - Watson in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
1  You are the stormy petrel of crime, Watson.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In XI. The Adventure of The Naval Treaty
2  She showed it to me, Watson, and it was an Indian rupee.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VIII. The Adventure of The Crooked Man
3  Watson there would tell you that I was a nervous, sensitive boy at school.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In XI. The Adventure of The Naval Treaty
4  You can imagine, Dr. Watson, how pleased I was at such an extraordinary bit of good fortune.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In IV. The Adventure of The Stockbroker's Clerk
5  It was, as Dr. Watson told us, a form of knife which is used for the most delicate operations known in surgery.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
6  I think, Colonel, that you and Watson might return now, and I will be with you again in an hour at the furthest.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VII. The Adventure of The Reigate Squires
7  You can imagine my exultation, Watson, when within two inches of my peg I saw a conical depression in the ground.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VI. The Adventure of The Musgrave Ritual
8  There you have it all in a nutshell, Watson, and if you can give me any light I shall be infinitely obliged to you.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In I. The Adventure of Silver Blaze
9  But really, Watson, I am keeping you up, and I might just as well tell you all this on our way to Aldershot to-morrow.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VIII. The Adventure of The Crooked Man
10  We shall find him in Hudson Street to-morrow, Watson, and meanwhile I should be the criminal myself if I kept you out of bed any longer.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VIII. The Adventure of The Crooked Man
11  Upon my word, Watson, there is something very attractive about that livid face at the window, and I would not have missed the case for worlds.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In III. The Adventure of The Yellow Face
12  Watson, I think our quiet rest in the country has been a distinct success, and I shall certainly return much invigorated to Baker Street to-morrow.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VII. The Adventure of The Reigate Squires
13  Watson, when you reach London you would oblige me by driving at once to Baker Street with our friend here, and remaining with him until I see you again.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In XI. The Adventure of The Naval Treaty
14  But I could not rest, Watson, I could not sit quiet in my chair, if I thought that such a man as Professor Moriarty were walking the streets of London unchallenged.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In XII. The Adventure of The Final Problem
15  If you will permit me, Colonel, I will leave my friend Watson and you, and I will step round with the Inspector to test the truth of one or two little fancies of mine.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In VII. The Adventure of The Reigate Squires
16  I was never a very sociable fellow, Watson, always rather fond of moping in my rooms and working out my own little methods of thought, so that I never mixed much with the men of my year.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In V. The Adventure of The "Gloria Scott"
17  I tell you, Watson, in all seriousness, that if I could beat that man, if I could free society of him, I should feel that my own career had reached its summit, and I should be prepared to turn to some more placid line in life.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
ContextHighlight   In XII. The Adventure of The Final Problem
Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.