BODY in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Odyssey by Homer
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 Current Search - body in The Odyssey
1  On this the women came down in a body, weeping and wailing bitterly.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
2  With these words he scared the women, and they went off into the body of the house.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVIII
3  We had left his body unwaked and unburied in Circe's house, for we had had too much else to do.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
4  First they carried the dead bodies out, and propped them up against one another in the gatehouse.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
5  Then, when the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, I sent some men to Circe's house to fetch the body of Elpenor.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XII
6  I have nothing of the immortal about me, neither in body nor mind, and most resemble those among you who are the most afflicted.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VII
7  When his body and armour had been burned to ashes, we raised a cairn, set a stone over it, and at the top of the cairn we fixed the oar that he had been used to row with.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XII
8  These all bit the dust, and as the others drew back into a corner Ulysses and his men rushed forward and regained their spears by drawing them from the bodies of the dead.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
9  We brought our ship into a safe harbour without a word, for some god guided us thither, and having landed we lay there for two days and two nights, worn out in body and mind.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK X
10  He wept as a woman weeps when she throws herself on the body of her husband who has fallen before his own city and people, fighting bravely in defence of his home and children.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
11  Happy son of Peleus," answered the ghost of Agamemnon, "for having died at Troy far from Argos, while the bravest of the Trojans and the Achaeans fell round you fighting for your body.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXIV
12  The sinews no longer hold the flesh and bones together; these perish in the fierceness of consuming fire as soon as life has left the body, and the soul flits away as though it were a dream.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
13  Nestor and I were the only two who could surpass him; and when it came to fighting on the plain of Troy, he would never remain with the body of his men, but would dash on far in front, foremost of them all in valour.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
14  The crew then drew the ship on shore; their servants took their armour from them, and they went up in a body to the place of assembly, but they would not let any one old or young sit along with them, and Antinous, son of Eupeithes, spoke first.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVI
15  Then Telemachus sprang away from him, leaving his spear still in the body, for he feared that if he stayed to draw it out, some one of the Achaeans might come up and hack at him with his sword, or knock him down, so he set off at a run, and immediately was at his father's side.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
16  I lay dying upon the earth with the sword in my body, and raised my hands to kill the slut of a murderess, but she slipped away from me; she would not even close my lips nor my eyes when I was dying, for there is nothing in this world so cruel and so shameless as a woman when she has fallen into such guilt as hers was.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
17  There, then, they left him in very cruel bondage, and having put on their armour they closed the door behind them and went back to take their places by the side of Ulysses; whereon the four men stood in the cloister, fierce and full of fury; nevertheless, those who were in the body of the court were still both brave and many.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
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