FIGHT in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Odyssey by Homer
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 Current Search - fight in The Odyssey
1  Whoever strikes you will have to fight more than one.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVIII
2  Let us then show fight; draw your swords, and hold up the tables to shield you from his arrows.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
3  It was there that the fight raged most furiously, nevertheless by Minerva's help he was victorious.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
4  They are excellent also at fighting from chariots, and nothing decides the issue of a fight sooner than this.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVIII
5  These two," continued Ulysses, "will not keep long out of the fray, when the suitors and we join fight in my house.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVI
6  This frightened Irus still more, but they brought him into the middle of the court, and the two men raised their hands to fight.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVIII
7  After all, however, this fight between Irus and the stranger did not turn out as the suitors meant it to do, for the stranger got the best of it.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVIII
8  '"'You dare devil,' replied the goddess, 'you are always wanting to fight somebody or something; you will not let yourself be beaten even by the immortals.'
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XII
9  He wept as a woman weeps when she throws herself on the body of her husband who has fallen before his own city and people, fighting bravely in defence of his home and children.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
10  My friend," answered Nestor, "you recall a time of much sorrow to my mind, for the brave Achaeans suffered much both at sea, while privateering under Achilles, and when fighting before the great city of king Priam.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK III
11  Nestor and I were the only two who could surpass him; and when it came to fighting on the plain of Troy, he would never remain with the body of his men, but would dash on far in front, foremost of them all in valour.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
12  Thus spoke the stockman, and Ulysses struck the son of Damastor with a spear in close fight, while Telemachus hit Leocritus son of Evenor in the belly, and the dart went clean through him, so that he fell forward full on his face upon the ground.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
13  I have never yet been near the Achaean land nor set foot on my native country, and I have had nothing but one long series of misfortunes from the very first day that I set out with Agamemnon for Ilius, the land of noble steeds, to fight the Trojans.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
14  When they were right over the middle of the assembly they wheeled and circled about, beating the air with their wings and glaring death into the eyes of them that were below; then, fighting fiercely and tearing at one another, they flew off towards the right over the town.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
15  These were more in number, and stronger, and they were more skilled in the art of war, for they could fight, either from chariots or on foot as the occasion served; in the morning, therefore, they came as thick as leaves and bloom in summer, and the hand of heaven was against us, so that we were hard pressed.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IX
16  Meanwhile Agelaus son of Damastor, Eurynomus, Amphimedon, Demoptolemus, Pisander, and Polybus son of Polyctor bore the brunt of the fight upon the suitors' side; of all those who were still fighting for their lives they were by far the most valiant, for the others had already fallen under the arrows of Ulysses.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XXII
17  Alcinous," answered Ulysses, "there is a time for making speeches, and a time for going to bed; nevertheless, since you so desire, I will not refrain from telling you the still sadder tale of those of my comrades who did not fall fighting with the Trojans, but perished on their return, through the treachery of a wicked woman.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
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