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Quotes from The Odyssey by Homer
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 Current Search - shall in The Odyssey
1  My sons," said he, "make haste to do as I shall bid you.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK III
2  You may preach as much as you please, but we shall only hate you the more.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
3  My poor fellow, you shall not stay here grieving and fretting your life out any longer.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK V
4  As for your own end, Menelaus, you shall not die in Argos, but the gods will take you to the Elysian plain, which is at the ends of the world.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
5  As for your voyage, it shall not be long delayed; your father was such an old friend of mine that I will find you a ship, and will come with you myself.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
6  Then Telemachus said, "Eurymachus, and you other suitors, I shall say no more, and entreat you no further, for the gods and the people of Ithaca now know my story."
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
7  Till then we shall go on harassing him with our suit; for we fear no man, and care neither for him, with all his fine speeches, nor for any fortune-telling of yours.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
8  Menelaus then greeted them saying, "Fall to, and welcome; when you have done supper I shall ask who you are, for the lineage of such men as you cannot have been lost."
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
9  About the time when the sun shall have reached mid heaven, the old man of the sea comes up from under the waves, heralded by the West wind that furs the water over his head.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
10  I shall never all my days be as good a man as he was, still I would indeed defend myself if I had power to do so, for I cannot stand such treatment any longer; my house is being disgraced and ruined.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
11  But mind you never make common cause with any of those foolish suitors, for they have neither sense nor virtue, and give no thought to death and to the doom that will shortly fall on one and all of them, so that they shall perish on the same day.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
12  Then Eurymachus, son of Polybus, answered, "It rests with heaven to decide who shall be chief among us, but you shall be master in your own house and over your own possessions; no one while there is a man in Ithaca shall do you violence nor rob you."
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK I
13  Then Minerva answered, "Sir, you have spoken well, and it will be much better that Telemachus should do as you have said; he, therefore, shall return with you and sleep at your house, but I must go back to give orders to my crew, and keep them in good heart."
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK III
14  We shall go back and continue to eat up Telemachus's estate without paying him, till such time as his mother leaves off tormenting us by keeping us day after day on the tiptoe of expectation, each vying with the other in his suit for a prize of such rare perfection.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
15  It was not fair of her to treat us in that way, and as long as she continues in the mind with which heaven has now endowed her, so long shall we go on eating up your estate; and I do not see why she should change, for she gets all the honour and glory, and it is you who pay for it, not she.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
16  If these men were to see my father come back to Ithaca they would pray for longer legs rather than a longer purse, for money would not serve them; but he, alas, has fallen on an ill fate, and even when people do sometimes say that he is coming, we no longer heed them; we shall never see him again.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK I
17  '"Then,' he said, 'if you would finish your voyage and get home quickly, you must offer sacrifices to Jove and to the rest of the gods before embarking; for it is decreed that you shall not get back to your friends, and to your own house, till you have returned to the heaven-fed stream of Egypt, and offered holy hecatombs to the immortal gods that reign in heaven.'
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
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