Describe A Course That Impressed You A Lot

IELTS speaking questions and sample answers for 'Describe A Course That Impressed You A Lot', include part 2 cue cards and part 3 follow-up questions. You can also practice these questions and answers by merging them into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 2
Most people know that learning is essential to humanity, and it's the process ...(Available for VIP only.)
what the course was about
The course that I took was dancing, once a week for six months.
where you take the course
I registered for classes at the Community Center Club. But due to the COVID-19 ...(Available for VIP only.)
what you did during the course
Initially, the lesson focused on dancing bases like a warmup, hand-eye ...(Available for VIP only.)
Then, they taught us contemporary dancing. Our team gave a stunning ...(Available for VIP only.)
Last, we focused on international dance forms. I learned complex dance forms ...(Available for VIP only.)
and explain why it impressed you a lot
Many people may see dancing as straightforward and comes naturally, but moving ...(Available for VIP only.)
Part 3
1. Why do some people have a better memory?
Some individuals can easily remember things because they are naturally good at ...(Available for VIP only.)

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