Part 2
Where it happened
This unexpected phone call happened while I was sitting in a café, enjoying my ...(Available for VIP only.)
What he/she said
Suddenly, my phone rang. The number was unfamiliar, but I decided to answer. ...(Available for VIP only.)
How you corresponded
I quickly stepped outside to avoid disturbing the other café patrons. The ...(Available for VIP only.)
After clarifying everything, I thanked the courier for calling and reassured ...(Available for VIP only.)
How I felt about the experience
Initially, I felt a little surprised since it's not common for me to receive a ...(Available for VIP only.)
Part 3
1. Do most people mind others talking on the phone in public places?
Yes, many people find it bothersome when others talk on the phone in public ...(Available for VIP only.)
2. What are the differences between sitting next to someone who talks on the phone and sitting next to people who talk to each other while traveling by train?
Sitting next to someone talking on the phone can feel more intrusive because ...(Available for VIP only.)