Part 2
What it is
The indispensable object in my home is the refrigerator, a stalwart companion ...(Available for VIP only.)
What you can do with it
On a daily basis, We rely on the refrigerator to keep perishable food fresh ...(Available for VIP only.)
How often you use it
Opening its doors has become a ritual ingrained in my routine. From grabbing a ...(Available for VIP only.)
And explain why you cannot live without it
The refrigerator is indispensable due to its crucial role in preserving ...(Available for VIP only.)
Part 3
1. What equipment do you find difficult to use?
I bought myself a beautiful Smartwatch as a Christmas gift. Overall, it was ...(Available for VIP only.)
2. Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology?
Some individuals dislike workplace technology due to unfamiliarity or fear of ...(Available for VIP only.)