ACT Vocabulary Test by Dynamic SheetsNew test sheet  
Before the ACT exam, students usually try to enhance vocabulary as strong as possible. Although ACT isn't a pure English test, three of them mainly rely on English skills. Like all English tests, you cannot expect to get a high score with poor vocabulary. Vocabulary is definitely the base to think, talk, read, and write, which is the foundation of any language skills. To build ACT vocabulary, you need to study firstly, and then review known words to keep them refreshed.

This app, ACT Vocabulary Test Online, is a tool to help you do build ACT words. Within modern education methodology, the app runs on random practice. It has a built-in set of ACT word list, more than 1000, which is matched with the middle level of 12th-grade students and is highly useful in ACT papers.

It is a game-style app. You don't need a detail plan or schedule to use it. Anytime and anywhere, you can access its web pages and practice or test as long as you have the Internet. Some people use it as a tool to evaluate ACT vocabulary. Others use it to study new words or review known words. Based on lots of exercises, you may finally familiarize with the built-in vocabulary and keep them warm until the test day.

The primary functionality of the app is to make ACT word question sheets dynamically, and then hosts the sheets as online practices. Showing quizzes and auto checking answers are its core features. Besides, students can store the result of each test for further analyzing. For example, the data is useful to compare with either previous data or even others' data to improve performance.

The app has some extra features that similar tools hardly have. It includes a sample sentence for each word, which helps very much to learn new words. It also provides definitions of 20 languages for every word and let ESL students select mother language and integrate it with English explanation.

As we mentioned, the app needs to store your test data because its core features are relied on previous practices' results. So you should sign on before any activities. ACT Vocabulary Test Online is free. You can use a generic account (email/access code) to sign on. If you don't have an account yet, create one is only to take a few minutes. Sign on and start to enjoy this great web app!
Questions and Answers
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a.  E.g. Medieval sailing vessels brought aromatic herbs from China to Europe.
Select answer:
extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward
periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
fragrant or sweet-smelling; caused by fragrant odor
free of guilt; not subject to blame; completely acceptable
long and thin; slender; having little substance
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Mike's energy was boundless: the greater the challenge, the more vigorously he tackled the job.
Select answer:
cheating; deceitful; planning or using fraud; given to practice of fraud
relating to drama and acting; dramatic, theatrical
rubbing away; tending to grind down
plentiful; containing plenty; affording ample supply
being without boundaries or limits; infinite; vast
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The encyclopedia salesman claimed the new edition was a veritable cornucopia of information, an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the entire family.
Select answer:
one derived from another; offspring or descendant; result of creative effort, as product
any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals, as elephant
dominant theme or central idea; repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration
goat's horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance
act of two things flowing together; junction or meeting place where two things meet
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Nothing is quite so discordant as the sound of a junior high school orchestra tuning up.
Select answer:
bottomless; very profound; limitless; very bad
careful about money; economical
abrupt and curt in manner or speech; rudely abrupt, unfriendly
not harmonious; conflicting; disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant
burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Although this book purports to be a biography of George Washington, many of the incidents are fictitious.
Select answer:
acceptable; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten
morally or legally constraining; required; binding
being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct
full of initiative; marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative
existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real
Don't select.
n.  E.g. A wise investor, she had the foresight to buy land just before the current real estate boom.
Select answer:
abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces
bringing or coming to end; ceasing
ability to foresee future happenings
former occupant of post; ancestor or forefather
representation that is deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic effect
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Hours of ballet classes kept him limber.
Select answer:
still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct
capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily
silent or reserved in speech; saying little; not inclined to speak or converse
free of artificiality; natural; open and honest
used for feeling; relating to sense of touch; perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Lago is a malevolent villain who takes pleasure in ruining Othello.
Select answer:
full of wishful yearning or longing; sadly thoughtful
having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious
quick and skillful; neat in action or performance
accidental; by chance; coming or occurring without any cause
of lowly origin; not noble in quality, character, or purpose; unworthy
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Pavlov's experiment in which he trains a dog to salivate on hearing a bell is a paradigm of the conditioned-response experiment in behavioral psychology.
Select answer:
support; active pleading on behalf of something
one that serves as a pattern or model; system of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality
metal striker that hangs inside bell and makes sound by hitting side; someone who applauds
traitor; one who turns against previous affiliation or allegiance
repetitive or incantatory recital; long and tedious address
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Egypt's Department of Antiquities prohibits tourists from taking any ancient relic out of the country.
Select answer:
surviving remnant; something left after loss or decay; object kept for its association with the past
mass for dead; song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as memorial
sameness or consistency; freedom from variation or difference
reserve; state or quality of being reluctant; unwillingness
payment or expense; output
Don't select.
a.  E.g. She was eighty years old, yet still spry and alert.
Select answer:
vigorously active; active, as in leaping or running
temporary; provided for present need only
moderately warm; lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm; halfhearted
detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad
curving outward; having surface that bulges outward, as the exterior of sphere
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Laid up with a virulent case of measles, Vera blamed her doctors because her recovery took so long.
Select answer:
large destructive fire; burning; large-scale military conflict
dull; impassive; having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent
tending to overthrow; in opposition to civil authority or government
extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter
Don't select.

Test your vocabulary by levels:
USA middle school and high school;
common English skill exams: SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS.
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