IELTS Vocabulary Test by Dynamic SheetsNew test sheet  
To take the IELTS test, either for general or for academic, students must build strong vocabulary. Of course, the requirements may be different for various goals. For academic test-takers, who are planning to apply for top universities, we usually suggest them to prepare at least 10000 words before the test. Most of IELTS test takers are ESL (English as Second Language), obviously study and review a huge set of IELTS vocabulary isn't an easy job.

Clever guys leverage smart tools. Some great tools to study or review IELTS vocabulary are available online or offline. This app is one of them. It's a pure web app to evaluate your IELTS vocabulary level. The app has a built-in common level IELTS vocabulary of 1200 words, which are for IELTS test of both academic and general versions. It means you can launch IELTS vocabulary test online anytime, and don't worry about how to organize the test content or how to make the test sheet.

The basic feature of this app is to make IELTS word question sheets in dynamic and random. Then it shows the IELTS vocabulary test page to host question sheets and response online practice. It's a handy way for test-takers to check IELTS vocabulary skill. Besides, the app is as many IELTS online practice tools to offer lots of additional features. For example, you can save the result of each test to compare with previous data or even others' data. It indicates your level's progress and strengthens confidence in future IELTS test.

Showing dynamic question sheets and auto checking user's responses are the primary features of an online vocabulary test. No one ignores them, but don't miss other fantastic features that some are only in this app. The app is not only for test IELTS vocabulary; some students also use it to study and review words. When you try an online test sheet, you will get the correct answer if you failed a word. Meanwhile, you can choose to show an example sentence for each word. It's a convenient way to learn new words or review known words online.

By design, the app saves your test results on the cloud for further analyzing and comparing to run all functionalities. Thus, you should sign on at first to let your data store under your account. It's a free app. If you don't have an account yet, create one, then sign on, and run this handy IELTS vocabulary test app!
Questions and Answers
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n.  E.g. The testimony expected by the accused from the witness will be regarded as having been actually taken.
Select answer:
agreement between parties concerning the sale of property
termination of pregnancy; failure of a plan
defendant or defendants in a criminal case; person charged with an offense
something that resembles or harmonizes with
feeling; mood; state of mental agitation or disturbance
Don't select.
v.  E.g. They carry the news by word of mouth to every settlement in a few days.
Select answer:
bore; pierce; make a hole; practice; train
remove flaws from; perfect or complete
determine the nature of; give a definition; describe the nature or basic qualities of; explain
become smaller or draw together; compress
convey or transport in any manner from one place to another; hold or support while moving; bear
Don't select.
n.  E.g. President Putin said Britain knew Russia's constitution prohibits such an extradition.
Select answer:
law determining the fundamental political principles of a government; the act of forming something
catastrophe; misfortune
platform projecting from the wall of a building
a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person
central forward portion of the lower jaw; bottom of face
Don't select.
a.  E.g. A ceremony followed, in dumb show, in which it was easy to recognize the pantomime of a marriage.
Select answer:
most outstanding; highest; superior
seen or able to be seen by the eye; visible; optical
headstrong; rash; indifferent to or disregardful of consequences
mute; lacking the power of speech
wonderful; extraordinarily good
Don't select.
n.  E.g. For it was at that hour of a warm afternoon when my fancy is able to hear the silent voices.
Select answer:
feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; worry; annoyance; anxiety.
unpleasant or disappointing surprise; surprise greatly; effect of such a collision or blow
undesirable or troublesome plant, especially growing where it is not wanted as in a garden.
consistent; standardized; clothing of a particular group
capricious notion; something many people believe that is false
Don't select.
a.  E.g. This was a harsh blow for the families of missing people who'd waited for decades for news of them.
Select answer:
rough; coarse; severe; unpleasantly stern
impressive or sensational; lavishly produced performance; grand
skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive
steadfast in allegiance or duty; faithful to a person, ideal, custom, cause, or duty
separately, in regard to space or company; in a state of separation as to place; aside
Don't select.
v.  E.g. It will also develop techniques to locate and tap underground water reservoirs.
Select answer:
find; monitor; settle; determine or specify the position or limits o
exchange; put in the place of another
draw upon; strike lightly; make good use of
free from fear, care, or anxiety; not have reason to doubt
offend; affront; treat, mention, or speak to rudely
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The government has found it particularly hard to meet its benefit and pensions obligation.
Select answer:
act of taking something from someone unlawfully; stealing
act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie; written promise to repay a debt
soft semi liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal
a period of time spent sleeping
electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow
Don't select.
v.  E.g. He is very ill and unlikely to recover in this month.
Select answer:
point out; direct to a knowledge of
take by force or fear, and against one's will; seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom
get or find back; regain a former condition
give reduction in price on
feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; tremble as from fear or excitement
Don't select.
n.  E.g. He was helpless in an important sector of his life.
Select answer:
particular aspect of life or activity; body of people who form part of society or economy
essay; editorial; individual thing or element of a class
back and sides of a pig salted and smoked
reasoned and reasonable judgment; a system of reasoning
someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided; someone who supervises
Don't select.
a.  E.g. The buses that failed to run were those that were temporarily stuck in stubborn, icy patches.
Select answer:
devastating; ruinous
marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion; affected, or troubled, with fear or panic
by vice or defects; defective; imperfect; having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved
consisting of three united; multiplied by three; threefold; three times repeated
unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; persistent; difficult to treat
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The consequence was that the smaller boys spent their days in terror and suffering.
Select answer:
man, human being; liable or subject to death; accompanying death
a business that serves other businesses; an administrative unit of government
example that is cited to prove a contention or illustrate a point; case or occurrence
posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue
extreme fear; violent dread; fright
Don't select.

Test your vocabulary by levels:
USA middle school and high school;
common English skill exams: SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS.
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