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Exam Word - Total words: 300

TOEFL Vocabulary Level 3 - 4: Print Flashcard

a. [làm mới] invigorating; energizing; pleasantly new or different
v. [bác bỏ] disprove; prove to be false or incorrect
n. [chế độ] form of government; government in power; administration; prevailing social system or pattern
n. [thành lập trung đoàn] act of forming into a military unit or a large group of people; imposition of order or discipline;  organization
v. [đăng ký] give outward signs of; express; record in writing; enroll as a student
a. [trị vì] exercising power or authority; currently ruling or holding a position
a. [thoải mái] easygoing; made less tense or rigid; relieved
v. [phát hành] give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available
v. [giảm] free from a burden; alleviate; save from ruin
n. [nhận xét] expression, in speech or writing, of something, remarked or noticed
n. [vẽ] depiction or interpretation, as in painting or music; translation; version
n. [cải tạo] improving by renewing and restoring; state of being restored to its former good condition; renewal
v. [đẩy] force or drive back; disgust; offer resistance to; fight against
v. [bổ sung] fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to
v. [tái tạo] duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat; fold over or bend back
a. [đại diện] fitted to represent; exhibiting a similitude; bearing character or power of another; acting for another or others
v. [sinh sản] have offspring or young; duplicate; make a copy
n. [sự ghê tởm] extreme dislike or aversion; opposition; conflict; resistance, in a physical sense
v. [đẩy lùi] force or drive back; drive back; refuse; disgust
v. [yêu cầu] express the need or desire for; ask for