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Essay Title: Will people lose interest in going to the cinema?

Keywords or Topics: movie

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Will people lose interest in going to the cinema?
Answer 1
Cinema is really popular amongst people either before or now. However, some think that the age of the silver screen is going to be over because people have more entertainment options. In my opinion, I believe they will never go out of fashion or be forgotten.

The first point to consider is why some people think cinema is losing popularity. One reason is that, nowadays, almost all families have televisions in their homes, and they would want to see a movie in the comfort of their homes rather than going all the way to a cinema. For instance, it's easy to switch on the TV, look for a movie you like, and watch it lying on the couch. Likewise, many companies provide online video-watching services, and people can buy movies directly from the internet and watch them later anytime. For example, Netflix offers monthly subscriptions for their giant online movie and TV series database, making any program just a click away.

Nevertheless, there are two main reasons why the silver screen will ...
Score: 80%
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Answer 2
It is undoubtedly true that the trend of watching movies in cinema halls significantly dropped nowadays. A group of people claims that the thrill of visiting cinemas will decrease as they are on the verge of ending. Though I agree with this view, apart from reducing popularity, movie theatres will never lose their place in people's hearts, and the essay will explain the reasons.

Due to the advancement of technology and high-speed internet, a wide range of online platforms like Netflix and Prime are available for entertainment. While they provide time flexibility, they can not be as appealing as enjoying films in a theatre hall with a gigantic screen and high-quality loudspeakers to feel all the music and action beats.

The second reason is the technology equipped in modern theatres. The experience of watching animated action movies with 3D and other technologies is far better than enjoying movies on TVs and tablets. For example, In Canada, viewers can experience the vibrations in ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 3
The cinema has been a popular form of entertainment for many decades. Even the early twentieth century's silent films were loved by audiences worldwide. Hollywood is now an enormous business; film stars like the Australian actress Nicole Kidman earn millions of dollars.

People think going to the cinema will become outdated because of the increase in the production of DVDs and videos. It's true that we can all stay home now and watch films comfortably. Also, these films are cheaper for a big family than going to the cinema. Young people enjoy spending a night at home and watching a DVD or video. And small children adore videos because they can watch them repeatedly.

However, the cinema in my home country is still full every weekend, and when a new film is released, we are all very keen to go and watch it. Many small cinemas have been rebuilt, and we can now go to large centers with six or eight cinema screens and show up to ten different films a night. An evening out at the cinema ...
Score: 70%
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Essay Questions for Topic : movie
1. Do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie based on it?

2. Is movies as a form of art less important than paintings and literature?

3. Is it positive that digital technology enables everybody to produce films?

4. How do crime movies appeal to and impact individuals and society?