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Essay Title: Is it better for young people to get advice from older ones than younger ones?

Keywords or Topics: young people

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Is it better for young people to get advice from older ones than younger ones?
Answer 1
People are divided into their opinions on whether they should take advice from the youngster rather than the experienced person. I partially agree with this statement; older people have more experience of their whole lives, but the youngster has enough knowledge about the latest technology. I will not only elaborate on the value of an older person but also share some positive points of the adolescent.

Undoubtedly, there are a number of advantages for older people in society and their families. It is rightly said that older people are a pillar of every culture. First and foremost is that older people have gathered enough experience during their whole life. It would be a benefit for their family and community. We often see that venture people share their experiences to improve the relationship of their family. For example, these days, in the percentage of divorce rate, the primary factor is that youngsters are living in a joint family with parents and grandparents.

Admittedly, ...
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Answer 2
Some people believe that if someone wants to get good help in making a big decision, it should be from older people rather than younger people. I agree with it to some extent, but there are situations where young people's advice is more valuable.

First of all, aged persons have different life experiences with the help of which they can suggest a better solution to a problem. As they have gone through all the further steps of life, they can quickly resolve a matter. For example, in my country, people still used to ask their older people for marital advice. Also, to settle home affairs like fighting between spouses, older people's advice is taken. Secondly, older people are calmer than young people, and so they can give a fruitful suggestion on a matter.

However, older people's solutions can't be perfect all the time, as conditions are different now, and we can't use their advice in every situation. The problem can be solved more smartly and appropriately with the new ideas of the ...
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Essay Questions for Topic : young people
1. Who is more valued: older people or young people?

2. Is there anything that young people can teach older people?

3. Can leadership only be older people?