Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to the editor to correct the wrong details about someone you know

Keywords or Topics: correction

The letter samples about 'Write to the editor to correct the wrong details about someone you know' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of correction are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 Letter questions and examples
Write to the editor to correct the wrong details about someone you know.
Answer 1
To the editor of the Vancouver Political Observer,

I am writing regarding an article you published yesterday on the Editorial page of your Local News section.

Your portrayal of my friend, political activist Stanley Jackson, is inaccurate. In the article, you accuse Stanley of being a politician with little regard for the environment. Having known Stanley for twenty years, I can tell you that Mr. Jackson cares highly for nature. Only two weeks ago, he sponsored the establishment of a tree ...
Score: 75%
Full answer
Lexical skills
Letter Questions for Topic : correction
1. Write to the news editor to correct the wrong information about a city or town you know.

2. Write to the book author to correct a wrong place name with the correct one.

3. Write to a book author to correct information about your known city.