Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to invite a friend to join you on the vacation that you are planning

Keywords or Topics: trip planning

The letter samples about 'Write to invite a friend to join you on the vacation that you are planning' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of trip planning are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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 Letter questions and examples
Write to invite a friend to join you on the vacation that you are planning.
Answer 1
Dear James,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I am planning a trip to Hawaii, an island state in the United States, next month and would like you to accompany me on this outing.

This famous location has been on my bucket list for a long time due to Hawaii's spectacular beaches and lush valleys. However, the pressure to complete an important project has been way too much in the past half a year, and I need this vacation to rewind before the next ...
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Lexical skills
Letter Questions for Topic : trip planning
1. Write to a friend about your trip and suggest an arrangement for you to meet.

2. Write to your friend abroad to get suggestions to refine your holiday trip.

3. Write to your friend about his trip plan unsuitable for you and give other ideas.

4. Write to invite a friend to go on a holiday to another country with you.

5. Write to tell a friend abroad about your trip plan and query his suggestions.