200 Difficult Words - Group 1

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 200 Difficult Words - Group 1View Group Words   
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/'æbroʊgeɪt/ a. Syn. abolish
(منسوخ) abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority

Spelling Word: abrogate
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/ə'næθəmə/ n.
(ابشاپ) solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse

Spelling Word: anathema
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/'æroʊgeɪt/ v.
(arrogate) claim without justification; claim for oneself without right

Spelling Word: arrogate
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/'bʌtrɪs/ v. Syn. support
(buttress) support physically; prop up; support something or someone by supplying evidence

Spelling Word: buttress
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/kə'dʒoʊl/ v.
(چاپلوسی کرنا) influence or urge by gentle urging or flattering

Spelling Word: cajole
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/dɛlɪ'tɪərɪəs/ a. Syn. harmful
(نقصان دہ) having harmful effect; injurious; having quality of destroying life; noxious; poisonous

Spelling Word: deleterious
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/dɪ'sɛmb(ə)l/ v. Syn. disguise; pretend
(نفرت کرنا) disguise or conceal behind a false appearance; make a false show of

Spelling Word: dissemble
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/ɪ'bʌlɪənt/ a.
(ebullient) showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm

Spelling Word: ebullient
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/ɪs'tʃu:/ v. Syn. avoid; escape
(ضائع) avoid; refuse to use or participate in; stand aloof from

Spelling Word: eschew
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/i:və'nɛs(ə)nt/;/ɛv-/ a. Syn. fleeting; vanishing
(evanescent) fleeting; vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor

Spelling Word: evanescent