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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[تعوق] put at a disadvantage; tie up; hamper; prevent the progress | |
[وقح] improperly forward or bold; rude | |
[ثني] persuade not to do; discourage | |
[العملاقة] huge; of a tremendous size, volume, degree |
[سجن] imprison; put into jail; shut up or enclose | |
[والسلع المقلدة متع] plunge into anything, especially a fluid; sink; dip | |
[اخماد] plunge into water; wet thoroughly; extinguish | |
[إخراج] free, as from difficulties or perplexities; cause to be emitted or evolved |
[مرسوم] the decree, especially issued by a sovereign; official command | |
[متوهج] over-bright in color; tastelessly showy | |
[سائغ] sweet sounding; pleasing to ear; melodious | |
[مجلخة] revolving stone disk used for grinding, polishing, or sharpening tools; millstone |
[يشعل] set on fire; cause to burn, flame, or glow; excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat | |
[الومضة] cause to emit a flash of light | |
[الانبعاثات] radiation; discharge; an act of emitting | |
[الراية] flag or banner, especially the national flag, carried by ship or a body of soldiers |
[التهاب الدماغ] inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a virus | |
[خرق] act contrary to, as a law, right, or obligation; annul or hinder | |
[البعوضه] blood-sucking dipterous fly, of the genus Culex | |
[مندفعا] high spirited; joyously unrestrained; abundant; luxurious |
[توريط] twist or interweave as not to be easily separated; make tangled, confused, and intricate; perplex; bewilder; puzzle | |
[الراية] flag or banner, especially the national flag, carried by ship or a body of soldiers | |
[مجلخة] revolving stone disk used for grinding, polishing, or sharpening tools; millstone | |
[التمييز] able to see differences; showing careful judgment or fine taste |
[الراية] flag or banner, especially the national flag, carried by ship or a body of soldiers | |
[علم الحشرات] study of insects; branch of zoology which treats of insects | |
[التخلي] give up; do without; go or pass by without claiming | |
[الانبعاثات] radiation; discharge; an act of emitting |
[سجن] imprison; put into jail; shut up or enclose | |
[مندفعا] high spirited; joyously unrestrained; abundant; luxurious | |
[علم الحشرات] study of insects; branch of zoology which treats of insects | |
[ذروة] period of greatest popularity, success, or power; the golden age |
[بارزة] standing out above other things; high in rank, office, or worth | |
[نقنق] a flock of geese; a cluster or group | |
[افتعال] build; put together out of components or parts | |
[مغامر] full of initiative; marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative |
[لا غنى عنه] essential; requisite; impossible to be omitted or remitted | |
[نقنق] a flock of geese; a cluster or group | |
[متملقة] attempting to win favor by flattering; flattering | |
[نبش] dig out of ground; remove from grave |