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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[سطحية] trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only | |
[خارقة] strange; mysterious; peculiarly unsettling, as if of supernatural origin or nature | |
[رداء] an outer garment; dress of rich, flowing, and elegant style or make; dress of state, rank, office | |
[الحلقة] by vice or defects; defective; imperfect; having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved |
[حقير] worthless; mean; despicable; depraved by sin; hateful | |
[نطاق] climb up or over; alter according to a standard; estimate or measure; remove in layers | |
[مشرط] a small knife with a thin, keen blade, used by surgeons and in dissecting | |
[مركز] position relative to others; standing |
[يشق] drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; push along, aside, or away, in a careless manner | |
[سطحية] trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only | |
[تك] small, short, sharp-pointed nail, usually having a broad, flat head | |
[مشرط] a small knife with a thin, keen blade, used by surgeons and in dissecting |
[تشابه] likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details | |
[كشط] gather something together over time; scratch repeatedly | |
[السيناريو] screenplay; outline or model of an expected sequence of events | |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion |
[تشريب] cause or suffer to lie in a fluid; absorb; drain; drink intemperately or gluttonously | |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion | |
[الشام] pretend; put on a false appearance of; feign | |
[رائحة] a distinctive odor that is pleasant; fragrance; perfume |
[جمجمة] a bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates | |
[سرج] load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride | |
[القرفصاء] stocky; short and thick; low and broad | |
[استدعاء] written order to require appearance in court to give testimony |
[الغرور] quality or state of being vain; emptiness; feelings of excessive pride; conceit | |
[قذرة] wet, to spatter easily; muddy; lack of care or precision | |
[تستاء] feel bitter; consider as injury or affront; be in angry | |
[سكوتش] put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping |
[مركز] position relative to others; standing | |
[رائحة] a distinctive odor that is pleasant; fragrance; perfume | |
[هزيمة] conquer; overcome; come out better in a competition | |
[اللباقة] slightly adhesive or gummy to the touch; sticky; lacking style or good taste; distasteful or offensive |
[سلة المهملات] garbage; rubbish; worthless or discarded material or objects | |
[سطحية] trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only | |
[خندق] canal; deep furrow or ditch; long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor | |
[الحلقة] by vice or defects; defective; imperfect; having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved |
[سنوب] secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others | |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion | |
[مشرط] a small knife with a thin, keen blade, used by surgeons and in dissecting | |
[يشق] drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; push along, aside, or away, in a careless manner |