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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[رق] a roll of paper; a writing formed into a roll; schedule or list; mark added to a signature, intended to represent a seal | |
[الوحي] act of revealing or disclosing to others what was unknown before; manifestation of divine truth | |
[الساخرة] ironic; expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds | |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion | |
[عصبي] being in a tense state; excessively concerned with rules and order | |
[الانتقام] do punishment in return for injury or insult; avenge | |
[سكوتش] put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping |
[غصين] small branch or division of a branch | |
[روف الملوك] being royal; quality of royal person; share of the product, as a percentage paid to the copyright owner | |
[الاسكواش] crush something into a flat shape | |
[اللطخة] soiled or discolored; a symbol of disgrace or infamy; a natural spot of a color different from the gound |
[التقييم] act of getting the point in a game or sport; facts about an actual situation | |
[فروة الرأس] the skin covering the top of the human head; top of the head; skull | |
[الرصين] not extreme; marked by seriousness or gravity; not affected by the use of drugs; self-restraint | |
[التسلل] creep or steal privately; come or go meanly, as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen |
[ساق] go through an area in search of prey; pursue; walk with a stiff or angry gait; move threateningly | |
[حثالة] an impure matter that forms on or rises to the surface of a liquid or body of water; worthless people | |
[الاسكواش] crush something into a flat shape | |
[سكوتش] put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping |
[رق] a roll of paper; a writing formed into a roll; schedule or list; mark added to a signature, intended to represent a seal | |
[لقاح] harmless form of the germs that cause a disease to prevent people from getting the actual disease | |
[الانتقام] do punishment in return for injury or insult; avenge | |
[الخيانة] disloyalty; betrayal of trust or confidence |
[صفصاف] trees usually having narrow leaves | |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion | |
[اللطخة] soiled or discolored; a symbol of disgrace or infamy; a natural spot of a color different from the gound | |
[الاسكواش] crush something into a flat shape |
[ساق] go through an area in search of prey; pursue; walk with a stiff or angry gait; move threateningly | |
[عصبي] being in a tense state; excessively concerned with rules and order | |
[الدنيوية غضب] forceful, often vindictive anger; fury; just punishment of an offense or crime | |
[علاج] healing power or quality; treatment of illness |
[الخرافات] excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion | |
[تشريب] cause or suffer to lie in a fluid; absorb; drain; drink intemperately or gluttonously | |
[هزيمة] conquer; overcome; come out better in a competition | |
[حثالة] an impure matter that forms on or rises to the surface of a liquid or body of water; worthless people |
[سكوتش] put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping | |
[التسلل] creep or steal privately; come or go meanly, as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen | |
[المعاملات] deal; communication involving two or more people that affects all those involved | |
[الأنين] utter a plaintive cry, as some animals; moan with a childish noise; complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, |