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Academic Words Level 4 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[使人愉快的,合意的] ready to consent or submit; acceptable | |
[縮寫,縮寫詞] shortening something by omitting parts of it | |
[傷害,危害] harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
[破壞,摧毀] raze; destroy; do away with completely; put an end to |
[選集] book of literary selections by various authors | |
[輪廓,結構] arrangement of parts or elements; outline | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[廢除] cancel; put an end to; destroy completely |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame | |
[到來,出現] coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important | |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty |
[悔恨] feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn; express sorrow or grief over; regret | |
[毀滅,破壞] destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence | |
[在…中] amid; in the middle of; among | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful |
[使隸屬,接納為成員] associate; cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another | |
[官僚機構] over-regulated administrative system | |
[磨(擦)破,擦傷處(尤指皮膚因磨擦等造成者).表面磨損] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in |
[刪節,節選] condense; shorten; reduce length of written text | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote | |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful |
[方言,土話] vocabulary that is for a specific group of people | |
[使驚異] affect with wonder; surprise; shock | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote | |
[豐富,充裕] great or plentiful amount; fullness to overflowing |
[堆積,積聚,積累] pile up; collect; mount up; increase | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[加速] move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
[讚揚,表揚] applaud; announce with great approval | |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate | |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible | |
[傷害,危害] harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
[住處,住所,適應,調節,通融] living quarters provided for public convenience; something that meets a need; convenience | |
[與水有關係的] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water |
[一致,協議] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states | |
[小平房] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic | |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame | |
[使膨脹,使擴大] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen |
[平凡的] ordinary; having no remarkable features | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[稀釋,淡化] weaken; make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water | |
[堆積,積聚,積累] pile up; collect; mount up; increase |
[並發的,協作的,一致的] simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
[原告,起訴人] one who accuses; one who brings a charge of crime or fault | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible |
[輔助的] helper, additional or subsidiary | |
[混亂,漫無秩序] throw into disorder; break the array of. | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar | |
[自誇,自豪] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride |
[擅長於] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | |
[易燃的,可燃的,易燃物] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[廢除] cancel; put an end to; destroy completely | |
[漫射的,散開的,羅嗦的,冗長的] spread out widely; scatter freely; pour out and cause to spread freely |
[熱望,熱心於] seek to attain; long for; strive toward an end | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined | |
[(能說)兩種語言的] using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency | |
[黏著] stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with |
[使迷惑,使昏亂] lead into perplexity or confusion; perplex with mazes | |
[分析] resolve anything complex into its elements; separate into parts for examination of each separately | |
[顯著的,顯而易見的] noticeable; prominent; easy to notice; obvious | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near |
[毗連,臨近,貼近] be next to; be contiguous to; border on | |
[順從,謙讓] readiness to yield; happy friendly agreement | |
[擅長於] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | |
[竹,竹莖] plant of the family of grasses, and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical countries |
[補足,完善] complete; consummate; make perfect | |
[管理] administer; supply; supervise or be in charge of | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes | |
[自誇,自豪] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect | |
[青春期] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | |
[自動化操作] the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control | |
[莽撞的,無禮的] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness |
[到來,出現] coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important | |
[沉思,周密思考] look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought | |
[相似的] similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy of being ranked with | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan |
[粗笨 ,累贅] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk | |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test | |
[保存,保藏] retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
[討厭,敵意] in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter | |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[空氣的,空中的] of the air or atmosphere; produced by or found in the air; performed in the air | |
[折縫,皺痕] a line or long thin mark made by folding or doubling |
[書攤] stall where books are sold, as on the street; table with enclosed sides, for displaying books for sale | |
[審美的] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
[耗盡,枯竭] act of emptying, reducing, or exhausting | |
[擅長於] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude |
[廢除] cancel; put an end to; destroy completely | |
[斷言] declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly | |
[使隸屬,接納為成員] associate; cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another | |
[得到,獲取,源於] obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of |
[到來,出現] coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important | |
[粘在一起的] adhesive; sticking together; capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner | |
[斷言,證實,確認] state something as true; assert; confirm | |
[全等的] possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding |
[增加,附於] fasten; append; add on; secure to something | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[讚揚,表揚] applaud; announce with great approval | |
[注定,指定為] intend or choose someone or something for a particular purpose or end |
[衝突的,不和諧的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | |
[折磨,使苦惱] cause pain, suffering, or distress | |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee |
[收集,聚集] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to | |
[錯誤] serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion | |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[荒無人煙的] unpopulated; providing no shelter or sustenance; devoid of inhabitants |
[圖表] graph; chart; figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement; plan | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar | |
[焦慮,不安,鼓動,煽動] anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance | |
[同時發生,相符合,相巧合] occur at the same time as; correspond |
[擅長於] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | |
[使人愉快的,合意的] ready to consent or submit; acceptable | |
[簡要] brief and compact; expressing much in few words | |
[壓下,壓低] lower in spirits; press down |
[毀滅,破壞] destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[揭露,揭發,洩露] unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view | |
[晾乾,通風,公開,公開討論,散步,開汽車兜風] exposure to air for freshening or drying; exposure to public attention; radio or television broadcast |
[雖然,縱使] even though; although; notwithstanding | |
[使相互關聯,使相互影響] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[悔恨] feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn; express sorrow or grief over; regret |
[抵抗,不屈服] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[(船)停泊] space for the ship to dock or anchor; allotted place; the place to sleep or stay; appointment or job | |
[斷言] state without proof; assert to be true |
[競爭,爭取,爭論] strive in opposition; contest; dispute; struggle for | |
[各式各樣的,多樣混合的] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[連續的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[解脫,釋放,釋然] provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part |
[相似的] similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy of being ranked with | |
[有害的] causing damage or harm; injurious | |
[減短,降低] cut short or reduce; cut off end or tail, or any part | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan |
[按份額分配] parcel out in parts or portions; distribute to each individual concerned; assign as a share or lot | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[航空,航空學] art or science of flying; flight; aeronautics | |
[同時發生,相符合,相巧合] occur at the same time as; correspond |
[拘留,使延遲] keep back or from; withhold; restrain from proceeding; stay or stop; delay | |
[混合,減少純度] combine; mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate | |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined |
[字母的,按字母順序] arranged in customary order of the letters of a language | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[擅長於] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize |
[壓下,壓低] lower in spirits; press down | |
[模棱兩可] state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty | |
[鞏固,合併] make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm | |
[標題] title; chapter heading; text under illustration |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[溫室,音樂或戲劇學院] greenhouse; school of music or dramatic art | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[雄心,抱負] ambition; something that you hope to achieve |
[符合,順應,相配,使適合] comply with; follow; fit; meet | |
[修訂,修改,變更] change for the better; improve; remove faults or errors | |
[確認,確證] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of | |
[盡責的,一絲不苟的] diligent; responsible; reliable |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes | |
[在…中] in the middle of; among; surrounded by | |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test |
[連續的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[自誇,自豪] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride | |
[在…中] amid; in the middle of; among | |
[認為,視為] decide; judge; sentence; condemn |
[祖先,祖宗] forefather; forebear; forerunner or predecessor | |
[放大] broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase | |
[羽毛球運動] game played on a court with light long-handled rackets | |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages |
[壓縮] close; squeeze or press together; contract | |
[分析] resolve anything complex into its elements; separate into parts for examination of each separately | |
[大洪水] great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult |
[分析法的,善於分析的] of analysis; resolving into elements or parts | |
[屏障,障礙物] hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[(漸漸)上升,升高,攀登] move up or climb something; mount |
[祖先,祖宗] forefather; forebear; forerunner or predecessor | |
[分析法的,善於分析的] of analysis; resolving into elements or parts | |
[追加,附上] attach; add as supplement or appendix | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes |
[奇聞軼事] a short account of the amusing or interesting event; short narrative; a secret story of history or biography | |
[圖表] graph; chart; figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement; plan | |
[在…中] in the middle of; among; surrounded by | |
[減少,變小] dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so |
[建造,創立] form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
[毀滅,破壞] destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence | |
[召集,集合] cause to come together formally | |
[順時針方向的(地)] in the direction that the hands of a clock move |
[轉移,防止] prevent; turn or cause to turn off or away | |
[器械,設備] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | |
[年金,養老金] annual payment of allowance or income; periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each year | |
[漫射的,散開的,羅嗦的,冗長的] spread out widely; scatter freely; pour out and cause to spread freely |
[反抗,敵對] active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor | |
[耗盡,枯竭] act of emptying, reducing, or exhausting | |
[外交家,外交官] one who is in charge to deal with others, like an ambassador, who is appointed to represent a government | |
[放大] broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[加速] move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected | |
[使人愉快的] delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste | |
[南極的] opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or the region near it |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[選集] book of literary selections by various authors | |
[催化劑] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning |
[管理] administer; supply; supervise or be in charge of | |
[代表] a person authorized to act as a representative for another; deputy | |
[道歉的,歉意的] offering or expressing an apology or excuse; serving as or containing a formal justification or defense | |
[包括] include; consist of; be composed of |
[易燃的,可燃的,易燃物] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[器械,設備] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | |
[祖先,祖宗] forefather; forebear; forerunner or predecessor | |
[得到,獲取,源於] obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of |
[約束,收縮] restrict; shrink; make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing | |
[獲得,完成] achieve or accomplish; gain | |
[追加,附上] attach; add as supplement or appendix | |
[(使)循環,(使)傳播] move through space, circuit, or system, returning to the starting point |
[收集,聚集] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to | |
[青春期] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | |
[兩邊的,雙邊的] two-sided; mutual; involving two groups or countries | |
[用具,器具] durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically | |
[申請人] candidate; a person who formally requests something, especially a job | |
[補足,完善] complete; consummate; make perfect | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan |
[推論,推想,演繹] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[航空,航空學] art or science of flying; flight; aeronautics | |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth | |
[聽得見的] perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined | |
[過時的] no longer current or applicable; antiquated | |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible | |
[計劃,設計] form by an exercise of ingenuity; invent or design | |
[磨(擦)破,擦傷處(尤指皮膚因磨擦等造成者).表面磨損] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something | |
[學徒] works for an expert to learn a trade; beginner; learner |
[接近,近似] come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount | |
[必須做的,被強制的] mandatory; obligatory; required by rule | |
[擁擠,擁塞] act of gathering or heaping together or forming a mass | |
[使人愉快的,合意的] ready to consent or submit; acceptable |
[洞穴,供居住或躲藏的洞或地道] tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging | |
[計算] reckon; make a mathematical calculation | |
[恰當的,貼切的] likely; precisely suitable; appropriate; quick to learn or understand | |
[討厭,敵意] in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[與水有關係的] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water | |
[累積] increasing by successive addition | |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force |
[使相互關聯,使相互影響] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[讚揚,表揚] applaud; announce with great approval | |
[反复無常,隨機的] randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle |
[珠子,(液體)小滴] small piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood that is pierced for stringing | |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[過時的] no longer current or applicable; antiquated |
[深淵] deep opening in the earth surface | |
[恰當的,貼切的] likely; precisely suitable; appropriate; quick to learn or understand | |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
[熱心的,熱情的] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[方言,土話] vocabulary that is for a specific group of people |
[盔甲,保護層] defensive covering, as of metal, wood, or leather, worn to protect the body against weapons | |
[詐取,詐騙,騙取] deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device | |
[推論,推想,演繹] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in |
[刺激,激起,喚醒] excite; stimulate; awaken from or as if from sleep | |
[骯髒的,褪色的] darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored | |
[使人愉快的,合意的] ready to consent or submit; acceptable | |
[丟棄] throw out something from one's hand; get rid of |
[縮寫,縮寫詞] shortening something by omitting parts of it | |
[排列,整理] set out for display or use; place in orderly arrangement | |
[原告,起訴人] one who accuses; one who brings a charge of crime or fault | |
[使驚異] affect with wonder; surprise; shock |
[擁擠,擁塞] act of gathering or heaping together or forming a mass | |
[(漸漸)上升,升高,攀登] move up or climb something; mount | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in | |
[紀念] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of |
[認為,視為] decide; judge; sentence; condemn | |
[確認,確證] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of | |
[氣壓計,晴雨表] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere | |
[稀釋,淡化] weaken; make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water |
[計算] reckon; make a mathematical calculation | |
[歸因於,指派] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality | |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[使人愉快的,合意的] ready to consent or submit; acceptable |
[在…中] in the middle of; among; surrounded by | |
[雄心,抱負] ambition; something that you hope to achieve | |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[折磨,使苦惱] cause pain, suffering, or distress |
[(一)卷,線圈] a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes | |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[熱望,熱心於] seek to attain; long for; strive toward an end |
[斷言] declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[弄髒,污染,感染] make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile |
[各式各樣的,多樣混合的] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[行動一致的集團,政黨或國家] a group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action | |
[小平房] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[莽撞的,無禮的] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness | |
[使驚異] affect with wonder; surprise; shock | |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth | |
[獲得,完成] achieve or accomplish; gain | |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
[圓周,周長] the boundary line of a circle, figure, area, or object |
[學校的全部課程] the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college; course or program | |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan | |
[粗糙的] rough; harsh; of low, common, or inferior quality |
[簇,串,群] group; bunch; group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely | |
[聽得見的] perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear | |
[自治,自治權] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native |
[年金,養老金] annual payment of allowance or income; periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each year | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[相似的人或物,配對物] duplicate copy; one that closely resembles another |
[區分,區別,分辨] set apart; distinguish; perceive or show the difference in or between | |
[使自動化] replace or enhance human labor with machines | |
[使相互關聯,使相互影響] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[方言,土話] vocabulary that is for a specific group of people |
[與水有關係的] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water | |
[建立(政府),組成,構成] make up; form something | |
[自動化操作] the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in |
[使隸屬,接納為成員] associate; cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote | |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically | |
[自治,自治權] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination |
[反射,偏轉] turn aside; draw someone's attention away from something | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[輔助的] helper, additional or subsidiary | |
[抵抗,不屈服] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist |
[活潑的,輕快的] marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic; swift; keen or sharp in speech or manner | |
[災難,不幸] the event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; disaster; misery | |
[商品,日用品] goods; article of trade; advantage; benefit | |
[軸,軸心] the center around which something rotates; pivot |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[焦慮,不安,鼓動,煽動] anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance | |
[羽毛球運動] game played on a court with light long-handled rackets | |
[老化,磨損] weakened, worn out, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use |
[挫敗] frustrate as by confusing or perplexing; impede force or movement of | |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[恰當的,貼切的] likely; precisely suitable; appropriate; quick to learn or understand | |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[竹,竹莖] plant of the family of grasses, and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical countries | |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect |
[保存,保藏] retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
[荒無人煙的] unpopulated; providing no shelter or sustenance; devoid of inhabitants | |
[背離] turn away from a principle, norm; depart; diverge | |
[氣壓計,晴雨表] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[屏障,障礙物] hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
[分解,(使)腐爛] decay, or to cause something to decay | |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity |
[貪婪地吃,吞食] consume; eat greedily; destroy completely | |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money | |
[保存,保藏] retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
[聚合,接近] approach; tend to meet; come together |
[珠子,(液體)小滴] small piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood that is pierced for stringing | |
[全等的] possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding | |
[航空,航空學] art or science of flying; flight; aeronautics | |
[雄心,抱負] ambition; something that you hope to achieve |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[美容師] one skilled in giving cosmetic treatments; one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments | |
[一致,協議] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[有用的] helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | |
[長期票通勤旅客,經常來往於兩地之間的人] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city | |
[耗盡,減少] decrease fullness of; use up or empty out |
[減少] lessen; reduce; make a quantity smaller | |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[(船)停泊] space for the ship to dock or anchor; allotted place; the place to sleep or stay; appointment or job |
[兩邊的,雙邊的] two-sided; mutual; involving two groups or countries | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in | |
[困擾] attack from all sides; trouble persistently; hem in |
[過時的] no longer current or applicable; antiquated | |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar | |
[使迷惑,使昏亂] lead into perplexity or confusion; perplex with mazes |
[(使)循環,(使)傳播] move through space, circuit, or system, returning to the starting point | |
[保存,保藏] retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[背離] turn away from a principle, norm; depart; diverge |
[兩邊的,雙邊的] two-sided; mutual; involving two groups or countries | |
[自治,自治權] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country | |
[申請人] candidate; a person who formally requests something, especially a job |
[權威,獨裁] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial | |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree | |
[(能說)兩種語言的] using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency | |
[長期票通勤旅客,經常來往於兩地之間的人] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame | |
[調製,捏造] digest; convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition | |
[相似的人或物,配對物] duplicate copy; one that closely resembles another | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful |
[推論,推想,演繹] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[溫室,音樂或戲劇學院] greenhouse; school of music or dramatic art | |
[行動一致的集團,政黨或國家] a group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action | |
[管理] administer; supply; supervise or be in charge of |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[認為,視為] decide; judge; sentence; condemn | |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree |
[可漂浮的,樂觀的] able to float; cheerful and optimistic | |
[達到頂點,達到頂峰] reach the highest or most decisive point; rise to the summit | |
[標題] title; chapter heading; text under illustration | |
[錯誤] serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money | |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically | |
[自誇,自豪] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride |
[僵局] standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate | |
[選集] book of literary selections by various authors | |
[書架] case with shelves for holding books, especially one with glazed doors | |
[學校的全部課程] the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college; course or program |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in | |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth | |
[簿記員,記帳人] one who keeps accounts; one who has charge of keeping books and accounts in an office |
[屏障,障礙物] hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
[書攤] stall where books are sold, as on the street; table with enclosed sides, for displaying books for sale | |
[各式各樣的,多樣混合的] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[毀滅,破壞] destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence |
[空氣的,空中的] of the air or atmosphere; produced by or found in the air; performed in the air | |
[分界線,邊界] dividing line; border; frontier | |
[災難,不幸] the event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; disaster; misery | |
[殘破的,倒塌 ,破舊的] in disrepair, run-down; of very poor quality or condition |
[抵制] refrain from buying or using | |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter | |
[弔唁,哀悼] expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief. | |
[粗糙的] rough; harsh; of low, common, or inferior quality |
[莽撞的,無禮的] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness | |
[可漂浮的,樂觀的] able to float; cheerful and optimistic | |
[衝突的,不和諧的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
[沉思,周密思考] look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought |
[盡責的,一絲不苟的] diligent; responsible; reliable | |
[抵抗,不屈服] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist | |
[活潑的,輕快的] marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic; swift; keen or sharp in speech or manner | |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate |
[官僚機構] over-regulated administrative system | |
[吃草,瀏覽] graze; skim or glance at casually | |
[加速] move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected | |
[詐取,詐騙,騙取] deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[碰撞,衝突] bump; hit something violently | |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter | |
[勤勉的,勤奮的] assiduous; industrious; hard-working |
[住處,住所,適應,調節,通融] living quarters provided for public convenience; something that meets a need; convenience | |
[小平房] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic | |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[活潑的,輕快的] marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic; swift; keen or sharp in speech or manner |
[可漂浮的,樂觀的] able to float; cheerful and optimistic | |
[毗連,臨近,貼近] be next to; be contiguous to; border on | |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[使隸屬,接納為成員] associate; cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[使平衡] act as force or influence that balances, checks, or limits an opposite one | |
[簡要] brief and compact; expressing much in few words | |
[官僚機構] over-regulated administrative system |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[毀滅,破壞] destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence | |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty | |
[洞穴,供居住或躲藏的洞或地道] tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money | |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote |
[災難,不幸] the event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; disaster; misery | |
[傷害,危害] harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
[分開,拆開,分離,分遣] part; separate or disunite; disengage | |
[解脫,釋放,釋然] provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part |
[洩出氣體,放出空氣] reduce from an inflated condition; release contained air or gas from | |
[鈣] silvery, moderately hard metallic element | |
[過時的] no longer current or applicable; antiquated | |
[揭露,揭發,洩露] unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree | |
[磨(擦)破,擦傷處(尤指皮膚因磨擦等造成者).表面磨損] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something | |
[粗笨 ,累贅] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk | |
[用具,器具] durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use |
[在…中] amid; in the middle of; among | |
[小賣部,臨時流動餐館,軍用炊具,水壺] a vessel used by soldiers for carrying water or other drinks; snack bar or small cafeteria | |
[器械,設備] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain |
[審美的] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
[動物屍體] the dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered and dressed for food | |
[推遲,延期] delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time | |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate |
[焦慮,不安,鼓動,煽動] anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance | |
[外交家,外交官] one who is in charge to deal with others, like an ambassador, who is appointed to represent a government | |
[催化劑] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged | |
[廢除] cancel; put an end to; destroy completely |
[建造,創立] form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
[腐蝕,挖苦] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action | |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[放大] broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase |
[字母的,按字母順序] arranged in customary order of the letters of a language | |
[推論,推想,演繹] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[喧鬧聲,嘈雜聲] loud, confused, harsh noise; loud, continuous, rattling, or clanging sound | |
[審查] overseer of morals; official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years | |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect | |
[困擾] attack from all sides; trouble persistently; hem in | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in |
[粗笨 ,累贅] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate | |
[熱心的,熱情的] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect | |
[矛盾,反駁] the assertion of contrary; denial of the truth of a statement; opposition, whether by argument or conduct | |
[表現的特色,刻畫的性格] distinguish; be characteristic of; be a distinctive trait or mark of | |
[分解,(使)腐爛] decay, or to cause something to decay |
[看出,察覺到] detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear | |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[深淵] deep opening in the earth surface | |
[審美的] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste |
[連續的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[純的] morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country | |
[矛盾,反駁] the assertion of contrary; denial of the truth of a statement; opposition, whether by argument or conduct |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[熱心的,熱情的] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate | |
[可漂浮的,樂觀的] able to float; cheerful and optimistic | |
[衝突的,不和諧的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things |
[分界線,邊界] dividing line; border; frontier | |
[按年代順序排列的] arranged in order of time of occurrence | |
[注定,指定為] intend or choose someone or something for a particular purpose or end | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time |
[(使)循環,(使)傳播] move through space, circuit, or system, returning to the starting point | |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor | |
[縮寫,縮寫詞] shortening something by omitting parts of it | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar |
[圓周,周長] the boundary line of a circle, figure, area, or object | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[僵局] standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate | |
[扣除,減除] lead forth or out; take away, separate, or remove, in numbering, estimating, or calculating; subtract |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test | |
[引用,掌握] quote; adduce as an instance | |
[作為結果的,隨之發生的] resulting; following as a logical conclusion | |
[推遲,延期] delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate | |
[扣合,緊密合作] fastening device; firm grip | |
[腐蝕,挖苦] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action | |
[收集,聚集] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect | |
[分類,按等級或類別組織安排] declare unavailable, as for security reasons; arrange or order by classes or categories | |
[使膨脹,使擴大] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen | |
[自誇,自豪] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride |
[順時針方向的(地)] in the direction that the hands of a clock move | |
[混亂,漫無秩序] throw into disorder; break the array of. | |
[粗糙的] rough; harsh; of low, common, or inferior quality | |
[申請人] candidate; a person who formally requests something, especially a job |
[丟棄] throw out something from one's hand; get rid of | |
[字母的,按字母順序] arranged in customary order of the letters of a language | |
[簇,串,群] group; bunch; group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely | |
[使自動化] replace or enhance human labor with machines |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[粗糙的] rough; harsh; of low, common, or inferior quality | |
[殘破的,倒塌 ,破舊的] in disrepair, run-down; of very poor quality or condition | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes | |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[洞穴,供居住或躲藏的洞或地道] tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[認知的] knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
[有害的] causing damage or harm; injurious |
[粘在一起的] adhesive; sticking together; capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[約束,收縮] restrict; shrink; make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing | |
[輔助的] helper, additional or subsidiary |
[折縫,皺痕] a line or long thin mark made by folding or doubling | |
[減短,降低] cut short or reduce; cut off end or tail, or any part | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[(一)卷,線圈] a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes |
[一致,協議] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states | |
[審美的] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
[同時發生,相符合,相巧合] occur at the same time as; correspond | |
[溫室,音樂或戲劇學院] greenhouse; school of music or dramatic art |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[引用,掌握] quote; adduce as an instance | |
[弄髒,污染,感染] make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile |
[轉移,防止] prevent; turn or cause to turn off or away | |
[碰撞,衝突] bump; hit something violently | |
[補足,完善] complete; consummate; make perfect | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude |
[易燃的,可燃的,易燃物] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[收集,聚集] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to | |
[稀釋,淡化] weaken; make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water | |
[屏障,障礙物] hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle |
[粘在一起的] adhesive; sticking together; capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner | |
[毗連,臨近,貼近] be next to; be contiguous to; border on | |
[紀念] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony | |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree | |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically | |
[抵抗,不屈服] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist | |
[稱讚,頌揚] commit, entrust, or give in charge for care or preservation; recommend as worthy of confidence or regard |
[商品,日用品] goods; article of trade; advantage; benefit | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[與水有關係的] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water | |
[通信,信件] similarity or analogy; communication by the exchange of letters |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years | |
[推遲,延期] delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time | |
[小賣部,臨時流動餐館,軍用炊具,水壺] a vessel used by soldiers for carrying water or other drinks; snack bar or small cafeteria | |
[平凡的] ordinary; having no remarkable features |
[減刑,交換,折算,每天乘車往返上班,定期往返於兩地間] obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; regularly travel from a place of residence to another place | |
[聚集,積累,匯集] put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources | |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward |
[自治,自治權] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[長期票通勤旅客,經常來往於兩地之間的人] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city | |
[修訂,修改,變更] change for the better; improve; remove faults or errors | |
[世界主義] sophisticated; of worldwide scope |
[小賣部,臨時流動餐館,軍用炊具,水壺] a vessel used by soldiers for carrying water or other drinks; snack bar or small cafeteria | |
[反射,偏轉] turn aside; draw someone's attention away from something | |
[相似的] similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy of being ranked with | |
[揭露,揭發,洩露] unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view |
[背離] turn away from a principle, norm; depart; diverge | |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[各式各樣的,多樣混合的] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[聚集,積累,匯集] put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources | |
[洞穴,供居住或躲藏的洞或地道] tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging |
[美容師] one skilled in giving cosmetic treatments; one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments | |
[珠子,(液體)小滴] small piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood that is pierced for stringing | |
[補足,完善] complete; consummate; make perfect | |
[稀缺,缺乏] scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops |
[分解,(使)腐爛] decay, or to cause something to decay | |
[順從,謙讓] readiness to yield; happy friendly agreement | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[作為結果的,隨之發生的] resulting; following as a logical conclusion |
[確認,確證] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of | |
[作曲,寫作,組成] write; create; make or create by putting together parts or elements | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[壓下,壓低] lower in spirits; press down |
[拼湊成的,混合成的] made up of distinct parts or elements; compounded | |
[確認,確證] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of | |
[用具,器具] durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use | |
[分析法的,善於分析的] of analysis; resolving into elements or parts |
[(船)停泊] space for the ship to dock or anchor; allotted place; the place to sleep or stay; appointment or job | |
[調製,捏造] digest; convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition | |
[壓縮] close; squeeze or press together; contract | |
[年金,養老金] annual payment of allowance or income; periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each year |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[包括] include; consist of; be composed of | |
[歸因於,指派] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality | |
[官僚機構] over-regulated administrative system |
[約束,收縮] restrict; shrink; make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing | |
[授予,贈與,(專門會議)商議] bestow; present; have a conference in order to talk something over | |
[顯著的,顯而易見的] noticeable; prominent; easy to notice; obvious | |
[必須做的,被強制的] mandatory; obligatory; required by rule |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor | |
[計算] reckon; make a mathematical calculation | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[莽撞的,無禮的] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness |
[歸因於,指派] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined | |
[矛盾,抵觸] confront; state the opposite of what someone has said | |
[使人愉快的] delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste |
[雖然,縱使] even though; although; notwithstanding | |
[(使)循環,(使)傳播] move through space, circuit, or system, returning to the starting point | |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[簡要] brief and compact; expressing much in few words |
[鞏固,合併] make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm | |
[災難,不幸] the event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; disaster; misery | |
[調製,捏造] digest; convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition | |
[看出,察覺到] detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear |
[並發的,協作的,一致的] simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[減少,變小] dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[道歉的,歉意的] offering or expressing an apology or excuse; serving as or containing a formal justification or defense | |
[選集] book of literary selections by various authors | |
[吃草,瀏覽] graze; skim or glance at casually |
[老化,磨損] weakened, worn out, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use | |
[審美的] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
[催化劑] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged | |
[弔唁,哀悼] expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief. |
[斷言] declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly | |
[標題] title; chapter heading; text under illustration | |
[授予,贈與,(專門會議)商議] bestow; present; have a conference in order to talk something over | |
[(漸漸)上升,升高,攀登] move up or climb something; mount |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[與水有關係的] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water | |
[輪廓,結構] arrangement of parts or elements; outline | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years | |
[限制] restrict in movement; circumscribe | |
[稀缺,缺乏] scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops | |
[磨(擦)破,擦傷處(尤指皮膚因磨擦等造成者).表面磨損] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something |
[順從,謙讓] readiness to yield; happy friendly agreement | |
[符合,順應,相配,使適合] comply with; follow; fit; meet | |
[簡要] brief and compact; expressing much in few words | |
[丟棄] throw out something from one's hand; get rid of |
[擁擠,擁塞] act of gathering or heaping together or forming a mass | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful | |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years |
[全等的] possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding | |
[管理] administer; supply; supervise or be in charge of | |
[熱心的,熱情的] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate | |
[斷言,證實,確認] state something as true; assert; confirm |
[書攤] stall where books are sold, as on the street; table with enclosed sides, for displaying books for sale | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | |
[盡責的,一絲不苟的] diligent; responsible; reliable | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native |
[連續的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[南極的] opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or the region near it | |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect |
[斷言] declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly | |
[審查] overseer of morals; official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content | |
[作為結果的,隨之發生的] resulting; following as a logical conclusion | |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing |
[骯髒的,褪色的] darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored | |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect | |
[讚揚,表揚] applaud; announce with great approval | |
[莽撞的,無禮的] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness |
[溫室,音樂或戲劇學院] greenhouse; school of music or dramatic art | |
[並發的,協作的,一致的] simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
[限制] restrict in movement; circumscribe | |
[通信,信件] similarity or analogy; communication by the exchange of letters |
[審查] overseer of morals; official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content | |
[保存,保藏] retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
[碰撞,衝突] bump; hit something violently | |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of |
[長期票通勤旅客,經常來往於兩地之間的人] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city | |
[沉思,周密思考] look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought | |
[累積] increasing by successive addition | |
[托運,託人看管] give, transfer, or deliver formally, as if by signing over into the possession of another |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in | |
[黏著] stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar | |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical |
[稱讚,頌揚] commit, entrust, or give in charge for care or preservation; recommend as worthy of confidence or regard | |
[盡責的,一絲不苟的] diligent; responsible; reliable | |
[鞏固,合併] make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm | |
[使降級,貶低] reduce level; lower grade of something |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[顯著的,顯而易見的] noticeable; prominent; easy to notice; obvious | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote | |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter | |
[蹲伏,彎腰] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear | |
[反抗,敵對] active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor | |
[空氣的,空中的] of the air or atmosphere; produced by or found in the air; performed in the air |
[申請人] candidate; a person who formally requests something, especially a job | |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[建立(政府),組成,構成] make up; form something | |
[模棱兩可] state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty |
[困擾] attack from all sides; trouble persistently; hem in | |
[字母的,按字母順序] arranged in customary order of the letters of a language | |
[強使,強逼] restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
[蹲伏,彎腰] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear |
[約束,收縮] restrict; shrink; make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing | |
[青春期] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | |
[行動一致的集團,政黨或國家] a group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action | |
[鞏固,合併] make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm |
[建造,創立] form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[協調的] planned or accomplished together; combined | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes |
[奇聞軼事] a short account of the amusing or interesting event; short narrative; a secret story of history or biography | |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test | |
[弄髒,污染,感染] make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile | |
[得到,獲取,源於] obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of |
[殘破的,倒塌 ,破舊的] in disrepair, run-down; of very poor quality or condition | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[沉思,周密思考] look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought | |
[各式各樣的,多樣混合的] varied; consisting of various types mixed together |
[權威,獨裁] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial | |
[沉思,周密思考] look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought | |
[折磨,使苦惱] cause pain, suffering, or distress | |
[競爭,爭取,爭論] strive in opposition; contest; dispute; struggle for |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[爭論,爭辯] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[使相互關聯,使相互影響] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[使膨脹,使擴大] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen |
[傷害,危害] harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[吃草,瀏覽] graze; skim or glance at casually |
[全等的] possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding | |
[悔恨] feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn; express sorrow or grief over; regret | |
[矛盾,抵觸] confront; state the opposite of what someone has said | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of | |
[易燃的,可燃的,易燃物] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[矛盾,反駁] the assertion of contrary; denial of the truth of a statement; opposition, whether by argument or conduct | |
[廢除] cancel; put an end to; destroy completely |
[簡要] brief and compact; expressing much in few words | |
[建造,創立] form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
[計劃,設計] form by an exercise of ingenuity; invent or design | |
[粗笨 ,累贅] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk |
[包括] include; consist of; be composed of | |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[召集,集合] cause to come together formally | |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint |
[審查] overseer of morals; official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content | |
[聚合,接近] approach; tend to meet; come together | |
[混合,減少純度] combine; mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate | |
[強使,強逼] restrain; keep within close bounds; confine |
[減刑,交換,折算,每天乘車往返上班,定期往返於兩地間] obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; regularly travel from a place of residence to another place | |
[聊天,非正式談話] chat; talk informally; engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts | |
[相似的人或物,配對物] duplicate copy; one that closely resembles another | |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance |
[相反地] in a converse manner; with change of order or relation; reciprocally. | |
[權威,獨裁] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial | |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree | |
[洞穴,供居住或躲藏的洞或地道] tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging |
[使相互關聯,使相互影響] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[作為結果的,隨之發生的] resulting; following as a logical conclusion | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[設計,發明] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[設計,發明] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will | |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically | |
[熱心的,熱情的] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate |
[通信,信件] similarity or analogy; communication by the exchange of letters | |
[堆積,積聚,積累] pile up; collect; mount up; increase | |
[有用的] helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter |
[聽得見的] perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear | |
[分類,按等級或類別組織安排] declare unavailable, as for security reasons; arrange or order by classes or categories | |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[洩出氣體,放出空氣] reduce from an inflated condition; release contained air or gas from |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[獲得,完成] achieve or accomplish; gain | |
[一致,協議] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states |
[世界主義] sophisticated; of worldwide scope | |
[並發的,協作的,一致的] simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
[青春期] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | |
[荒無人煙的] unpopulated; providing no shelter or sustenance; devoid of inhabitants |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[舒適的,保暖的] padded or knitted covering placed especially over a teapot to keep the tea hot; cozy | |
[權威,獨裁] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial |
[道歉的,歉意的] offering or expressing an apology or excuse; serving as or containing a formal justification or defense | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[使平衡] act as force or influence that balances, checks, or limits an opposite one |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect | |
[相似的人或物,配對物] duplicate copy; one that closely resembles another | |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor | |
[歸因於,指派] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality |
[火山口,彈坑] a bowl-shaped opening at the top of a volcano | |
[按年代順序排列的] arranged in order of time of occurrence | |
[挫敗] frustrate as by confusing or perplexing; impede force or movement of | |
[鈣] silvery, moderately hard metallic element |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[火山口,彈坑] a bowl-shaped opening at the top of a volcano | |
[折縫,皺痕] a line or long thin mark made by folding or doubling | |
[設計,發明] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will |
[航空,航空學] art or science of flying; flight; aeronautics | |
[利用,效用,促進] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote | |
[排列,整理] set out for display or use; place in orderly arrangement | |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test |
[簿記員,記帳人] one who keeps accounts; one who has charge of keeping books and accounts in an office | |
[壓下,壓低] lower in spirits; press down | |
[蹲伏,彎腰] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear | |
[獲得,完成] achieve or accomplish; gain |
[刺激,激起,喚醒] excite; stimulate; awaken from or as if from sleep | |
[黏著] stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[達到頂點,達到頂峰] reach the highest or most decisive point; rise to the summit |
[設計,發明] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will | |
[計劃,設計] form by an exercise of ingenuity; invent or design | |
[殘破的,倒塌 ,破舊的] in disrepair, run-down; of very poor quality or condition | |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of |
[粗笨 ,累贅] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk | |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[長期票通勤旅客,經常來往於兩地之間的人] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city | |
[減刑,交換,折算,每天乘車往返上班,定期往返於兩地間] obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; regularly travel from a place of residence to another place |
[奇聞軼事] a short account of the amusing or interesting event; short narrative; a secret story of history or biography | |
[累積] increasing by successive addition | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[認為,視為] decide; judge; sentence; condemn |
[學校的全部課程] the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college; course or program | |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[在…中] in the middle of; among; surrounded by | |
[使平衡] act as force or influence that balances, checks, or limits an opposite one |
[大洪水] great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water | |
[同時發生,相符合,相巧合] occur at the same time as; correspond | |
[減短,降低] cut short or reduce; cut off end or tail, or any part | |
[排列,整理] set out for display or use; place in orderly arrangement |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame | |
[看守人,管理人] a person who has responsibility for or looks after something; guardian | |
[通訊員,記者] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[弔唁,哀悼] expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief. |
[僵局] standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country | |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[斷言] state without proof; assert to be true |
[用具,器具] durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use | |
[(船)停泊] space for the ship to dock or anchor; allotted place; the place to sleep or stay; appointment or job | |
[鄰近的,毗鄰的] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | |
[稀缺,缺乏] scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops |
[分解,(使)腐爛] decay, or to cause something to decay | |
[增加,附於] fasten; append; add on; secure to something | |
[建立(政府),組成,構成] make up; form something | |
[蹲伏,彎腰] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear |
[減少] lessen; reduce; make a quantity smaller | |
[圓周,周長] the boundary line of a circle, figure, area, or object | |
[組成,構成,包括,一致,符合] be made up or composed; be comprised or contained in | |
[確認,確證] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of |
[競爭,爭取,爭論] strive in opposition; contest; dispute; struggle for | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[管理] administer; supply; supervise or be in charge of | |
[老化,磨損] weakened, worn out, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[推論,推想,演繹] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[卡路里(熱量單位)] unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree |
[軸,軸心] the center around which something rotates; pivot | |
[增加,附於] fasten; append; add on; secure to something | |
[認知的] knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
[扣除,減除] lead forth or out; take away, separate, or remove, in numbering, estimating, or calculating; subtract |
[認為,視為] decide; judge; sentence; condemn | |
[分配,制定] assign; distribute according to plan | |
[有用的] helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | |
[耕種,培養] improve and prepare, as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; promote the growth of |
[焦慮,不安,鼓動,煽動] anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance | |
[熟悉] inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar | |
[荒無人煙的] unpopulated; providing no shelter or sustenance; devoid of inhabitants | |
[不作為,無動於衷] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically |
[年金,養老金] annual payment of allowance or income; periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each year | |
[反抗,敵對] active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor | |
[推遲,延期] delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time | |
[催化劑] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged |
[抵抗,不屈服] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist | |
[折縫,皺痕] a line or long thin mark made by folding or doubling | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful | |
[羽毛球運動] game played on a court with light long-handled rackets |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[模棱兩可] unclear or doubtful in meaning | |
[混合,減少純度] combine; mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate | |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty |
[證明,證實,宣稱,授與合格證書] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[強使,強逼] restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
[洩出氣體,放出空氣] reduce from an inflated condition; release contained air or gas from | |
[直徑] length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference |
[反射,偏轉] turn aside; draw someone's attention away from something | |
[碰撞,衝突] bump; hit something violently | |
[得到,獲取,源於] obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of | |
[聽得見的] perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear |
[全等的] possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding | |
[詐取,詐騙,騙取] deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device | |
[可漂浮的,樂觀的] able to float; cheerful and optimistic | |
[引用,掌握] quote; adduce as an instance |
[靈巧的,敏銳地] quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth | |
[(使)循環,(使)傳播] move through space, circuit, or system, returning to the starting point | |
[粘在一起的] adhesive; sticking together; capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[腐蝕,挖苦] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action | |
[使降級,貶低] reduce level; lower grade of something | |
[計算] reckon; make a mathematical calculation |
[書架] case with shelves for holding books, especially one with glazed doors | |
[解脫,釋放,釋然] provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part | |
[使人愉快的] delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste | |
[純的] morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest |
[代表] a person authorized to act as a representative for another; deputy | |
[追加,附上] attach; add as supplement or appendix | |
[屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor | |
[豐富,充裕] great or plentiful amount; fullness to overflowing |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[使濃縮,精簡] change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate | |
[精神錯亂] a mental disorder marked by confusion | |
[歸因於,指派] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[減少,變小] dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so | |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe |
[學徒] works for an expert to learn a trade; beginner; learner | |
[大洪水] great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water | |
[累積] increasing by successive addition | |
[評價,估價] assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth |
[使人愉快的] delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste | |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money | |
[破壞,摧毀] raze; destroy; do away with completely; put an end to | |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty |
[選集] book of literary selections by various authors | |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[器械,設備] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money | |
[在…中] amid; in the middle of; among | |
[污斑,污跡,污漬,(品行上的)污點] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically |
[瀝青] mineral pitch; black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame | |
[扣合,緊密合作] fastening device; firm grip | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[(時間或空間的)連續性,連貫性] property of a continuous and connected period of time |
[申請人] candidate; a person who formally requests something, especially a job | |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years | |
[耗盡,減少] decrease fullness of; use up or empty out | |
[紀念] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful | |
[認知的] knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
[增加,附於] fasten; append; add on; secure to something | |
[耗盡,枯竭] act of emptying, reducing, or exhausting |
[悔恨] feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn; express sorrow or grief over; regret | |
[增加,附於] fasten; append; add on; secure to something | |
[盔甲,保護層] defensive covering, as of metal, wood, or leather, worn to protect the body against weapons | |
[家務雜事] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee |
[壓下,壓低] lower in spirits; press down | |
[強迫,引起] force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force | |
[增長] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[建立(政府),組成,構成] make up; form something |
[遺棄的,廢棄的] left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting | |
[小平房] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic | |
[充滿,富於] be full of; be plentiful |
[得到,獲取,源於] obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of | |
[斷言] state without proof; assert to be true | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[大洪水] great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water |
[商品,日用品] goods; article of trade; advantage; benefit | |
[傳下,遺傳] move downward and lower; come from; be connected by a relationship of blood | |
[舒適的,保暖的] padded or knitted covering placed especially over a teapot to keep the tea hot; cozy | |
[晾乾,通風,公開,公開討論,散步,開汽車兜風] exposure to air for freshening or drying; exposure to public attention; radio or television broadcast |
[指定,任命] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[在…中] amid; in the middle of; among | |
[鈣] silvery, moderately hard metallic element | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting |
[看守人,管理人] a person who has responsibility for or looks after something; guardian | |
[荒無人煙的] unpopulated; providing no shelter or sustenance; devoid of inhabitants | |
[使平衡] act as force or influence that balances, checks, or limits an opposite one | |
[男女同校教育] system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[指示,表示] indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically | |
[(一)卷,線圈] a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes | |
[注定,指定為] intend or choose someone or something for a particular purpose or end |
[一百週年紀念] relating to a 100-year period; occurring once every 100 years | |
[圓周,周長] the boundary line of a circle, figure, area, or object | |
[喧囂,繁忙,熙熙攘攘] move or cause to move energetically and busily; teem | |
[分開,拆開,分離,分遣] part; separate or disunite; disengage |
[斷言] state without proof; assert to be true | |
[竹,竹莖] plant of the family of grasses, and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical countries | |
[(評判的)標準,準繩,尺度] standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test | |
[拘留,使延遲] keep back or from; withhold; restrain from proceeding; stay or stop; delay |
[很大的,值得重視的] large enough to be noticed or to affect; perceptible | |
[擁擠,擁塞] act of gathering or heaping together or forming a mass | |
[弔唁,哀悼] expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief. | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting |
[傷害,危害] harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
[磨(擦)破,擦傷處(尤指皮膚因磨擦等造成者).表面磨損] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something | |
[認知的] knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
[火山口,彈坑] a bowl-shaped opening at the top of a volcano |
[(一)卷,線圈] a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes | |
[有害的] causing damage or harm; injurious | |
[加速] move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected | |
[補足,完善] complete; consummate; make perfect |
[壓縮] close; squeeze or press together; contract | |
[貪婪地吃,吞食] consume; eat greedily; destroy completely | |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate | |
[宗派,教派] class, society, or collection of individuals called by the same name; specifically, a religious sect |
[背離] turn away from a principle, norm; depart; diverge | |
[活潑的,輕快的] marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic; swift; keen or sharp in speech or manner | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[權威,獨裁] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial |
[設計,發明] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will | |
[建立(政府),組成,構成] make up; form something | |
[有害的] causing damage or harm; injurious | |
[熱望,熱心於] seek to attain; long for; strive toward an end |
[稀缺,缺乏] scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops | |
[保存,保持] preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect | |
[貪婪地吃,吞食] consume; eat greedily; destroy completely | |
[表現的特色,刻畫的性格] distinguish; be characteristic of; be a distinctive trait or mark of |
[符合,協調,通信] be compatible, similar or consistent; exchange messages | |
[診斷] analyze; examine; identify the cause of something | |
[直徑] length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference | |
[雖然,縱使] even though; although; notwithstanding |
[圖表] graph; chart; figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement; plan | |
[鞏固,合併] make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm | |
[斷言] state without proof; assert to be true | |
[斷言,證實,確認] state something as true; assert; confirm |
[住處,住所,適應,調節,通融] living quarters provided for public convenience; something that meets a need; convenience | |
[方言,土話] vocabulary that is for a specific group of people | |
[相應的] accompanying; analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable | |
[刪節,節選] condense; shorten; reduce length of written text |
[老化,磨損] weakened, worn out, or broken down by old age, illness, or hard use | |
[直徑] length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference | |
[羽毛球運動] game played on a court with light long-handled rackets | |
[縮寫,縮寫詞] shortening something by omitting parts of it |
[小平房] small house or cottage usually having a single story and attic | |
[碰撞,衝突] bump; hit something violently | |
[住處,住所,適應,調節,通融] living quarters provided for public convenience; something that meets a need; convenience | |
[區分,區別,分辨] set apart; distinguish; perceive or show the difference in or between |
[建造,創立] form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
[連續的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[漫射的,散開的,羅嗦的,冗長的] spread out widely; scatter freely; pour out and cause to spread freely | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe |
[殘破的,倒塌 ,破舊的] in disrepair, run-down; of very poor quality or condition | |
[使驚異] affect with wonder; surprise; shock | |
[代表] a person authorized to act as a representative for another; deputy | |
[膨脹,突出] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude |
[書架] case with shelves for holding books, especially one with glazed doors | |
[洩出氣體,放出空氣] reduce from an inflated condition; release contained air or gas from | |
[使膨脹,使擴大] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen | |
[原告,起訴人] one who accuses; one who brings a charge of crime or fault |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[(漸漸)上升,升高,攀登] move up or climb something; mount | |
[勤勉的,勤奮的] assiduous; industrious; hard-working | |
[威懾,嚇住] keep from; stop; prevent or discourage from acting |
[器械,設備] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | |
[稀釋,淡化] weaken; make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water | |
[表現的特色,刻畫的性格] distinguish; be characteristic of; be a distinctive trait or mark of | |
[代表] a person authorized to act as a representative for another; deputy |
[污染,褻瀆] pollute; make dirty or spotty | |
[減少,變小] dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so | |
[合作] act of working together; act of cooperating with an enemy, especially it occupying one's own country | |
[分量或部件,選舉人,投票人] component or part; citizen, voter |
[喧鬧聲,嘈雜聲] loud, confused, harsh noise; loud, continuous, rattling, or clanging sound | |
[平凡的] ordinary; having no remarkable features | |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[用具,器具] durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use |
[使膨脹,使擴大] make wider or larger; cause to expand; enlarge; widen | |
[按年代順序排列的] arranged in order of time of occurrence | |
[貪婪地吃,吞食] consume; eat greedily; destroy completely | |
[骯髒的,褪色的] darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored |
[外交家,外交官] one who is in charge to deal with others, like an ambassador, who is appointed to represent a government | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native | |
[調製,捏造] digest; convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition | |
[必須做的,被強制的] mandatory; obligatory; required by rule |
[混亂,漫無秩序] throw into disorder; break the array of. | |
[珠子,(液體)小滴] small piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood that is pierced for stringing | |
[努力,奮發] demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
[文獻學] list of works of a specific author or publisher; list of writings relating to a given subject |
[毀壞] ruin; lay waste; destroy; make desolate | |
[按年代順序排列的] arranged in order of time of occurrence | |
[丟棄] throw out something from one's hand; get rid of | |
[物品交換,易貨貿易] trade goods or services without the exchange of money |
[攀登,上升] upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
[看出,察覺到] detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear | |
[看守人,管理人] a person who has responsibility for or looks after something; guardian | |
[紀念] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony |
[反复無常,隨機的] randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle | |
[揭露,揭發,洩露] unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view | |
[輔助的] helper, additional or subsidiary | |
[漫射的,散開的,羅嗦的,冗長的] spread out widely; scatter freely; pour out and cause to spread freely |
[反射,偏轉] turn aside; draw someone's attention away from something | |
[衝突的,不和諧的] conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
[診斷] analyze; examine; identify the cause of something | |
[原來的,土著的] being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native |