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Quotes from Persuasion by Jane Austen
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 Current Search - And in Persuasion
1  And I will tell you our reason," she added, "and all about it.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
2  And all this was said with a truth and sincerity of feeling irresistible.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 12
3  And I am sure," cried Mary, warmly, "it was a very little to his credit, if he did.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
4  "And that you are very likely to do very soon, I can tell you, ma'am," said Charles.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
5  And she," said Mrs Smith, "besides nursing me most admirably, has really proved an invaluable acquaintance.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 17
6  And I am sure, Sir," said Mrs Musgrove, "it was a lucky day for us, when you were put captain into that ship.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 8
7  And, as to procuring a dispensation, there could be no difficulty at his time of life, and with his character.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 12
8  And yet," said Anne to herself, as they now moved forward to meet the party, "he has not, perhaps, a more sorrowing heart than I have.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
9  And as to my father, I really should not have thought that he, who has kept himself single so long for our sakes, need be suspected now.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 5
10  And take it altogether, now that we have been into most of the houses hereabouts and can judge, there is not one that we like better than this.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
11  And I do assure you, ma'am," pursued Mrs Croft, "that nothing can exceed the accommodations of a man-of-war; I speak, you know, of the higher rates.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 8
12  And as to Captain Wentworth's liking Louisa as well as Henrietta, it is nonsense to say so; for he certainly does like Henrietta a great deal the best.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
13  And so then, I suppose," said Mrs Musgrove, in a low voice, as if thinking aloud, "so then he went away to the Laconia, and there he met with our poor boy.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 8
14  And so much was said in this way, that Anne thought she could not do better than impart among them the general inclination to which she was privy, and persuaded them all to go to Lyme at once.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
15  And in short, she said more than her husband could long withstand, and as none of the others could oppose when he gave way, there was no help for it; the change of Mary for Anne was inevitable.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 12
16  And in short, he had looked and said everything with such exquisite grace, that they could assure them all, their heads were both turned by him; and off they ran, quite as full of glee as of love, and apparently more full of Captain Wentworth than of little Charles.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 7
17  And with regard to Anne's dislike of Bath, she considered it as a prejudice and mistake arising, first, from the circumstance of her having been three years at school there, after her mother's death; and secondly, from her happening to be not in perfectly good spirits the only winter which she had afterwards spent there with herself.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
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