AMUSED in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Persuasion by Jane Austen
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 Current Search - amused in Persuasion
1  The Wallises, she had amusement in understanding them.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 23
2  They were come too late in the year for any amusement or variety which Lyme, as a public place, might offer.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
3  The idea of Louisa Musgrove turned into a person of literary taste, and sentimental reflection was amusing, but she had no doubt of its being so.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 18
4  Mrs Wallis has an amusing idea, as nurse tells me, that it is to be put into the marriage articles when you and Mr Elliot marry, that your father is not to marry Mrs Clay.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 21
5  Immediately surrounding Mrs Musgrove were the little Harvilles, whom she was sedulously guarding from the tyranny of the two children from the Cottage, expressly arrived to amuse them.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
6  She was always on friendly terms with her brother-in-law; and in the children, who loved her nearly as well, and respected her a great deal more than their mother, she had an object of interest, amusement, and wholesome exertion.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
7  But happily, either Anne was improved in plumpness and looks, or Lady Russell fancied her so; and Anne, in receiving her compliments on the occasion, had the amusement of connecting them with the silent admiration of her cousin, and of hoping that she was to be blessed with a second spring of youth and beauty.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
8  As soon as I could use my hands she taught me to knit, which has been a great amusement; and she put me in the way of making these little thread-cases, pin-cushions and card-racks, which you always find me so busy about, and which supply me with the means of doing a little good to one or two very poor families in this neighbourhood.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 17
9  When the evening was over, Anne could not but be amused at the idea of her coming to Lyme to preach patience and resignation to a young man whom she had never seen before; nor could she help fearing, on more serious reflection, that, like many other great moralists and preachers, she had been eloquent on a point in which her own conduct would ill bear examination.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
10  But by coolly giving the reins a better direction herself they happily passed the danger; and by once afterwards judiciously putting out her hand they neither fell into a rut, nor ran foul of a dung-cart; and Anne, with some amusement at their style of driving, which she imagined no bad representation of the general guidance of their affairs, found herself safely deposited by them at the Cottage.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 10
11  The theatre or the rooms, where he was most likely to be, were not fashionable enough for the Elliots, whose evening amusements were solely in the elegant stupidity of private parties, in which they were getting more and more engaged; and Anne, wearied of such a state of stagnation, sick of knowing nothing, and fancying herself stronger because her strength was not tried, was quite impatient for the concert evening.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 19