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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[私下的,秘密的,親密的,宣告] give to understand; imply or hint; state or make known | |
[寬宏大量的] generous; high-minded; chivalrous | |
[同族的,同類的,血緣的] related; belonging to the same family | |
[憂鬱] gloomy; feeling of thoughtful sadness; affected by depression |
[實際的,注重實效的] practical as opposed to idealistic; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something | |
[細微差別] a subtle or slight degree of difference; a small difference in meaning | |
[迷宮] maze; the complex structure of interconnecting passages | |
[婚姻的] relating to marriage; relating to husband |
[牛叫,哞] utter sound made by cattle; make a low noise | |
[訃告] death notice; list of dead | |
[海事的,海運的,海上的] relating to, or adjacent to the sea; nautical | |
[聳人聽聞的,可怕的,慘白的,血紅的] causing shock or horror; gruesome |
[延期償還] legal delay of payment; suspension of an ongoing or planned activity | |
[強制的,命令的,義不容辭的] obligatory; required or commanded by authority | |
[聲明] public declaration of principles; statement of policy | |
[病理學] related to the study of disease; diseased or markedly abnormal; relating to or caused by disease |
[婚姻的] relating to marriage; relating to husband | |
[憂鬱的,憂心忡忡的,心存疑慮的,有疑問的] open to doubt; unsettled; questionable; difficult to solve | |
[浪費的,大方的] liberal; wasteful; excessive spending | |
[非常勇猛] extraordinary ability; military bravery; superior skill or ability |
[傳統的,保守的] traditional; conservative in belief; adhering to established faith, especially in religion | |
[迷宮] maze; the complex structure of interconnecting passages | |
[物質的,重要的] of, relating to, or composed of matter; concerned with the physical, not from intellectual or spiritual | |
[私下的,秘密的,親密的,宣告] give to understand; imply or hint; state or make known |
[鉛灰色的,青一塊紫一塊的,暴怒的] lead-colored; black and blue; discolored, as from a bruise; extremely angry | |
[實際的,注重實效的] practical as opposed to idealistic; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something | |
[細微差別] a subtle or slight degree of difference; a small difference in meaning | |
[迷宮] maze; the complex structure of interconnecting passages |
[不為情所動的,公平的] not influenced by emotions; having actual existence or reality | |
[病理學] related to the study of disease; diseased or markedly abnormal; relating to or caused by disease | |
[點燃,照亮,激起] build or fuel a fire; cause to glow; light up; inspire | |
[迷宮] maze; the complex structure of interconnecting passages |
[模範] model of excellence or perfection; a peerless example | |
[臨時的,間歇的] the time between one event, process; interval of time | |
[定位(在社會上)] position relative to points of directions; course introducing a new situation | |
[猖獗的,滋生的,猛烈的] unrestrained and violent; occurring without restraint |
[聲明] public declaration of principles; statement of policy | |
[遁詞,狡辯,支吾,吹毛求疵] minor objection or complaint; petty distinction | |
[傳統的,保守的] traditional; conservative in belief; adhering to established faith, especially in religion | |
[鉛灰色的,青一塊紫一塊的,暴怒的] lead-colored; black and blue; discolored, as from a bruise; extremely angry |