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v. [認可,承認] declare to be true or admit; express obligation, thanks

Spelling Word: acknowledge
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n. [宣誓書] written statement made under oath

Spelling Word: affidavit
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n. [別名] assumed name; another name; a name that has been assumed temporarily

Spelling Word: alias
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n. [麻醉藥] a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling

Spelling Word: anesthetic
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n. [仇恨] bitter hostility; active hatred; hostile feeling or act

Spelling Word: animosity
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n. [解藥] medicine to counteract a poison or disease; an agent that relieves or counteracts

Spelling Word: antidote
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n. [勤奮的付出,密切關注] close attention; work of applying something; verbal or written request for assistance

Spelling Word: application
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n. [屬性, 望] essential quality; reputation; honor

Spelling Word: attribute
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n. [雪崩] a great mass of falling snow and ice

Spelling Word: avalanche
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n. [(止痛的)安慰物] something that relieves pain

Spelling Word: balm