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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 3 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[مداخلت] disrupt; hinder; be or create a hindrance or obstacle | |
[نشہ] excitement beyond the bounds of sobriety; drunkenness; poisoning by a drug or toxic substance | |
[رسیلی] full of juice; lucrative; richly interesting | |
[تعداد میں رکھنا] grow rapidly; propagate; reproduce |
[جرثومہ] germ; minute life form; microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease | |
[لچیلا] flexible; easily influenced; easily bent or flexed; pliable | |
[پٹھار] highland; upland; relatively flat highland | |
[مباشرت] give to understand; imply or hint; state or make known |
[اوندھے] inclined; lying face downward; having a tendency | |
[غذائیت] healthy; nourishing; providing nutrition | |
[گھسپیٹھ] inappropriate or unwelcome addition; infringement; violation; forcible inclusion or entry | |
[انڈاکار] elliptic; rounded like an egg |
[رسیلی] full of juice; lucrative; richly interesting | |
[outermost] far most; utmost; outmost; most distant from the center or inside | |
[بادشاہ] king; sole and absolute ruler; sovereigns, such as a king or empress | |
[وزن] exactness; accuracy; the number of significant digits to which a value has been reliably measured |
[گھسپیٹھ] inappropriate or unwelcome addition; infringement; violation; forcible inclusion or entry | |
[بقایا] distinguished from others in excellence | |
[pronghorn homespun] antelope-like ruminant of western North American plains with small branched horns | |
[مرض] fluid; juice; substance in a fluid state |
[حویلی] dwelling-house of the better class; a large or stately residence | |
[موقع] favorable or advantageous circumstance; a chance for progress or advancement | |
[برم] legend; fable; a traditional story accepted as history | |
[اوندھے] inclined; lying face downward; having a tendency |
[platitudinous] dull and tiresome; commonplace | |
[جرثومہ] germ; minute life form; microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease | |
[اوندھے] inclined; lying face downward; having a tendency | |
[outweigh] go beyond; surpass; exceed |
[جھکاو] inclination; natural tendency; readiness; facility of learning | |
[تعداد میں رکھنا] grow rapidly; propagate; reproduce | |
[بادشاہ] king; sole and absolute ruler; sovereigns, such as a king or empress | |
[نشہ] excitement beyond the bounds of sobriety; drunkenness; poisoning by a drug or toxic substance |
[نیوٹرل] impartial; not supporting one side over another | |
[وقار] the impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance | |
[وڈمبنا] expression by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; the witty language used to insult | |
[مرض] fluid; juice; substance in a fluid state |
[انڈاکار] elliptic; rounded like an egg | |
[غذائیت] healthy; nourishing; providing nutrition | |
[عجیب طور سے بغیر گند] having no odor; devoid of odor or fragrance | |
[درگزر] ignore; disregard; fail to notice; watch over |