Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 4 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[अवशोषित] assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; occupy full attention | |
[धमाका] a vigorous blow; a conspicuous success | |
[Aviator] biography or story written by yourself | |
[आचरण] direct the course of; manage or control; lead or guide |
[काटना] hew; cut by striking with a heavy sharp tool, such as an ax | |
[मिर्च] cold but not freezing; unfriendly | |
[धेर लेना] besiege or attack; harass; surround with troops | |
[शिक्षाविद्] a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation |
[चढ़ना] move up or climb something; mount | |
[सिक्का] coins collectively | |
[वर्गीकरण] assigning to a class or category | |
[बैले] a sort of theatrical representation by dancers |
[गणना] compute; determine; estimate | |
[मूल्यांकन] estimate value; judge worth of something | |
[कर्नल] a commissioned military officer | |
[परिचित करा] an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something |
[गणना] compute; determine; estimate | |
[गुलदस्ता] small cluster or arrangement of flowers; an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present | |
[बैले] a sort of theatrical representation by dancers | |
[चढ़ना] move up or climb something; mount |
[दहन] act of burning something | |
[पारंपरिक] based upon traditional rules; formed by agreement or compact | |
[टकराने] bump; hit something violently | |
[धमाका] a vigorous blow; a conspicuous success |
[कार्डिनल] chief; serving as an essential component | |
[सिक्का] coins collectively | |
[लाभ] advantage; something that aids or promotes well-being; welfare; gain | |
[बैले] a sort of theatrical representation by dancers |
[cabinetmaker] a woodworker who specializes in making furniture | |
[मिर्च] cold but not freezing; unfriendly | |
[धमाका] a vigorous blow; a conspicuous success | |
[काटना] hew; cut by striking with a heavy sharp tool, such as an ax |
[कर्नल] a commissioned military officer | |
[दहन] act of burning something | |
[टकराने] bump; hit something violently | |
[संपाती] happening at the same time; simultaneous |