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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 4 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[使恶化,质量下降] become worse; decline | |
[对角路线,较近的路] a diagonal path; a route shorter than the usual one | |
[深红色(的)] of a rich deep red color inclining to purple | |
[根除,销毁] act of overthrowing, pulling down, or destroying |
[货站,仓库] depository; a storehouse; a building where supplies or vehicles, especially buses, are kept | |
[事业,企业] company; firm; organization created for business ventures | |
[抽屉,画家,制图员] a boxlike container in a piece of furniture, made so as to slide in and out | |
[派生的事物,派生词,副产品] by-product; something derived |
[协调,融洽] compatibility in opinion and action; an agreeable sound property | |
[可发觉的,可查明的] that can be noticed or discovered; measurable | |
[诊断] analyze; examine; identify the cause of something | |
[根除,杜绝] completely destroy; eliminate; exterminate |
[大胆的,勇敢的] bold; brave and taking risks | |
[事业,企业] company; firm; organization created for business ventures | |
[诊断] analyze; examine; identify the cause of something | |
[看守人,管理人] a person who has responsibility for or looks after something; guardian |
[劝告] give advice to someone; suggest | |
[事业,企业] company; firm; organization created for business ventures | |
[协调,融洽] compatibility in opinion and action; an agreeable sound property | |
[教条,教义] a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs; doctrine |
[不满] a longing for something better than the present situation | |
[根除,杜绝] completely destroy; eliminate; exterminate | |
[文明,文化] all the knowledge and values shared by a society; foster; the raising of plants or animals | |
[对角路线,较近的路] a diagonal path; a route shorter than the usual one |
[多事的,充满大事的;意义重大的] busy; momentous; full of events or incidents | |
[席卷,吞没] absorb or swallow up as in a gulf; flow over or cover completely | |
[促进,帮助] act of assisting or making easier the progress or improvement of something | |
[汉堡包] a fried bread of minced beef served on a bun |
[汉堡包] a fried bread of minced beef served on a bun | |
[刺激,使兴奋] make someone have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm | |
[粉碎,崩溃] break into small pieces; cause to fall in pieces | |
[大胆的,勇敢的] bold; brave and taking risks |
[抽屉,画家,制图员] a boxlike container in a piece of furniture, made so as to slide in and out | |
[威胁的,险恶的] arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat | |
[精疲力尽的] depleted; extremely tired | |
[消失,灭绝] death of all its remaining members |
[促进,帮助] act of assisting or making easier the progress or improvement of something | |
[形成,结构] the way something is naturally made or the way it has been arranged; pattern | |
[货站,仓库] depository; a storehouse; a building where supplies or vehicles, especially buses, are kept | |
[消失,灭绝] death of all its remaining members |