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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 4 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[推测起来,大概] assumedly; supposedly; used to say what you think is the likely situation | |
[地震的] caused by an earthquake or earth vibration; earthshaking | |
[结实的,勇敢坚定的] dependable; stocky; euphemisms for fat | |
[矫饰,做作] act of giving a false appearance; imaginative intellectual play |
[结实的,勇敢坚定的] dependable; stocky; euphemisms for fat | |
[贪婪地掠取] consume greedily; devour; seek or seize as prey or plunder | |
[矫饰,做作] act of giving a false appearance; imaginative intellectual play | |
[罢工,打击] a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions |
[发光的,荣光焕发的] brilliant; obviously very happy, or very beautiful | |
[表示,意味] denote; mean; indicate | |
[宗教的,祭祀的] concerned with religion; worthy of respect or dedication | |
[有责任的] accountable; having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own |
[选择,精选品] choice; variety; collection | |
[碎片] broken fragments; irregular pieces of rock | |
[重复,循环] act of doing or performing again | |
[推测起来,大概] assumedly; supposedly; used to say what you think is the likely situation |
[彻底改革,革命] completely change; dramatically change | |
[吵闹的,狂暴的] characterized by unrest or disorder | |
[蜂蜡,蜡状物] any of various natural, oily, or greasy heat-sensitive substances | |
[斜坡,斜面] be at an angle; incline |
[温度] degree of any quality; condition with respect to heat or cold; the degree of heat or cold | |
[雕刻家] an artist who creates sculptures | |
[碎片] broken fragments; irregular pieces of rock | |
[蜂蜡,蜡状物] any of various natural, oily, or greasy heat-sensitive substances |
[选择,精选品] choice; variety; collection | |
[偷窃] act of taking something from someone unlawfully; stealing | |
[活力] active strength of body or mind; imaginative, lively style, especially style of writing; the exertion of force | |
[统计学] a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data |
[偷窃] act of taking something from someone unlawfully; stealing | |
[统计学] a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data | |
[使(某人情绪)平静,安慰] cause to feel better; give moral or emotional strength to | |
[所有权] an unincorporated business owned by a single person who is responsible for its liabilities and entitled to its profits |
[结实的,勇敢坚定的] dependable; stocky; euphemisms for fat | |
[原始的,与时间同在的] being or happening first in a sequence of time; original; primary; fundamental | |
[有责任的] accountable; having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own | |
[线] a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving |
[迅速及时的] being on time; punctual; performed without delay | |
[温度] degree of any quality; condition with respect to heat or cold; the degree of heat or cold | |
[贪婪地掠取] consume greedily; devour; seek or seize as prey or plunder | |
[活力] active strength of body or mind; imaginative, lively style, especially style of writing; the exertion of force |