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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[अनुपस्थिति] state of being absent; state of being away | |
[चैम्पियनशिप] status of being a champion; position or title of a winner | |
[अवधारणा] something formed in mind; thought or notion | |
[स्नातक] unmarried men; the first or lowest academic degree conferred by universities and colleges |
[नृविज्ञान] social science that studies origins and social relationships of human beings | |
[प्रभावित] speaking or behaving in an artificial way; emotionally stirred or moved; infected or attacked | |
[निर्जलीकरण] remove water from; dry out; lose water or bodily fluids | |
[अनुपस्थिति] state of being absent; state of being away |
[गठबंधन] blend; fuse; merge | |
[सादृश्य] the similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity | |
[परिपत्र] round; shaped like or nearly like a circle | |
[प्रदर्शित] show clearly and deliberately; manifest; confirm; prove |
[संवेदनाहारी] a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling | |
[जलवायु] weather condition; atmosphere; environment | |
[व्यापक] thorough; including all or everything; broad in scope | |
[अवधारणा] something formed in mind; thought or notion |
[नियुक्ति] act of putting a person into a non-elective position; arrangement | |
[समवर्ती] simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
[कनवर्ट] change something into another form; transform | |
[एक जैसे] similar; in the same manner or to the same degree |
[अंकगणित] theory of numerical calculations | |
[वृत्त] round; something shaped like such a ring; a group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement | |
[प्रतिपूरक] serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying | |
[स्नातक] unmarried men; the first or lowest academic degree conferred by universities and colleges |
[प्रतिपूरक] serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying | |
[खिलाड़ी] a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games | |
[जिज्ञासा] desire to know or learn | |
[दरिद्रता] property of not supporting life, no children, or unable to have children; defect of emotion, sensibility, or fervency |
[घमंड] show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride | |
[जलवायु] weather condition; atmosphere; environment | |
[निष्फल अपघर्षक] rubbing away; tending to grind down | |
[उबाऊ] uninteresting and tiresome; dull |
[केबिन] a small room on a ship or boat where people sleep | |
[जिज्ञासा] desire to know or learn | |
[दर्शक] a group of people within hearing; crowd seeing a stage performance | |
[अलवणीकरण] removal of salt; a process of removing salt from seawater to make drinking water |
[परिपत्र] round; shaped like or nearly like a circle | |
[अवधारणा] something formed in mind; thought or notion | |
[एक जैसे] similar; in the same manner or to the same degree | |
[संवेदनाहारी] a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling |