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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[सुधार] make repairs or restoration to; fix; improve | |
[कम से कम न्यूनतम] the smallest possible quantity | |
[प्रगति] sequence; an act of moving forward toward a goal | |
[कभी कभी] now and then; from time to time; infrequently; irregularly |
[दुर्लभ] scarce; infrequently occurring; uncommon | |
[paddler] someone paddling a canoe | |
[प्रक्रिया] systematically; according to a method; with method or order | |
[अंकन] technical system of symbols used to represent special things; comment or instruction |
[बकवास] silliness; words or signs having no intelligible meaning | |
[कार्यप्रणाली] system of methods followed in a particular discipline | |
[शेष] remnant; something left after other parts have been taken away | |
[झिल्ली] a thin and soft sheet of animal or vegetable tissue |
[क्रमशः] separately; individually; in the order given | |
[विवरण] restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify the thought of others | |
[औंस] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound | |
[सतत] unmoved by appeals for sympathy or forgiveness; insensible to distresses of others; unyielding |
[फलक] framed section of window or door that is filled with a sheet of glass or others; panel in a wall or door | |
[कार्यप्रणाली] system of methods followed in a particular discipline | |
[प्रधानता] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance | |
[सतत] unmoved by appeals for sympathy or forgiveness; insensible to distresses of others; unyielding |
[मौखिक] spoken; unwritten; relating to the mouth | |
[ताकना] the tiny opening in tissue, as in the skin of an animal; space in rock, soil | |
[घपलेबाज़ी] separate the fibers or threads of; clarify by separating the aspects of | |
[सूक्ष्म] tiny; extremely precise with great attention to details; of or relating to or used in microscopy |
[प्रधानता] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance | |
[समृद्ध] successful; thriving; having or characterized by financial success or good fortune | |
[ताकना] the tiny opening in tissue, as in the skin of an animal; space in rock, soil | |
[प्रगति] sequence; an act of moving forward toward a goal |
[तीखा] stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic | |
[सूक्ष्म जगत] a small, representative system having analogies to the larger system; miniature model of something | |
[प्रधानता] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance | |
[शेष] remnant; something left after other parts have been taken away |
[प्रक्रिया] systematically; according to a method; with method or order | |
[जैव] simple and healthful and close to nature | |
[दुर्लभ] scarce; infrequently occurring; uncommon | |
[कक्षा] revolve around a center of attraction |
[जैव] simple and healthful and close to nature | |
[सूक्ष्म] tiny; extremely precise with great attention to details; of or relating to or used in microscopy | |
[प्रधानता] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance | |
[घपलेबाज़ी] separate the fibers or threads of; clarify by separating the aspects of |