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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 2 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[찻주전자] pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle | |
[임시] not permanent; not lasting | |
[독성] poisonous; caused by a toxin or other poison | |
[관련] pertinent; having a connection with the matter at hand |
[고소] plead; file a suit against | |
[종교] belief in supernatural power regarded as creator and governor of the universe | |
[활성화] rebirth; bringing again into activity and prominence | |
[제니스] put down by force or authority; overwhelm; keep from being revealed |
[순박한] not wise; innocent; lacking complexity | |
[구속] moderation or limitation; controlling force; loss of freedom; control of feelings | |
[찻주전자] pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle | |
[종교] belief in supernatural power regarded as creator and governor of the universe |
[순조롭게] in a smooth manner; successfully; easily | |
[때리기] quick and energetic; exceptional of its kind; remarkable | |
[변형율] pull, draw, or stretch tight; injure or impair by overuse or overexertion; stretch or force beyond the proper | |
[차] not of major importance; of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate |
[순조롭게] in a smooth manner; successfully; easily | |
[회의] marked by or given to doubt; questioning | |
[seismology] freedom from risk or danger; safety | |
[차] not of major importance; of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate |
[자원 봉사] a person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily | |
[약간] to some extent or degree; rather; a bit; slightly | |
[날카롭게] make pointed; make sharp or sharper | |
[임시] not permanent; not lasting |
[충격] reflecting light; radiant; bright from reflected light | |
[슬립] move smoothly and easily; move out of position; move stealthily | |
[결혼식] marriage ceremony; an act of marrying; the anniversary of a marriage | |
[고소] plead; file a suit against |
[순조롭게] in a smooth manner; successfully; easily | |
[초자연] not existing in nature or explanation according to natural laws | |
[트렌드] popular taste; the general direction in which something tends to move | |
[고소] plead; file a suit against |
[군인] one who is engaged in military service as an officer or a private; one who serves in an army | |
[의혹] mistrust; an act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proof | |
[자원 봉사] a person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily | |
[변형율] pull, draw, or stretch tight; injure or impair by overuse or overexertion; stretch or force beyond the proper |
[레퍼토리] list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills | |
[트렌드] popular taste; the general direction in which something tends to move | |
[채찍] overlay with other cords going round and round it; take or move by a sudden motion; clean completely | |
[제니스] put down by force or authority; overwhelm; keep from being revealed |