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Level 5 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[حدادي] mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated degree | |
[خبيث] injurious; tending to cause death; disposed to do evil | |
[هزيمة] put to disorderly flight or retreat; drive out; cause to flee; defeat overwhelmingly | |
[المتبادل] concerning each of two or more persons or things; exchangeable; interacting |
[شهيد] one who makes great sacrifices or suffers from furthering belief or principle; one who endures great suffering | |
[ذريعة] excuse; something serving to conceal plans; the fictitious reason | |
[منتديات] be absorbed in one's thoughts; consider or say thoughtfully | |
[الهاوية] cliff; an overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock; dangerous position |
[ذريعة] excuse; something serving to conceal plans; the fictitious reason | |
[الهاوية] cliff; an overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock; dangerous position | |
[حدادي] mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated degree | |
[الزئبقي] capricious; liable to sudden, unpredictable change; quick and changeable in temperament |
[أنين] a low prolonged sound of grief or pain, whether articulate or not; groan softly and continuously | |
[نبتهج] feel joy; experience gladness in a high degree; have pleasurable satisfaction; be delighted; enjoy | |
[معقول] likely but not certain to be or become true or real | |
[هزيلة] somewhat less than needed in amplitude or extent; insufficient |
[مأزق] dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity | |
[إغفال] act of omitting; neglect, or failure to do something required by propriety or duty | |
[فاحشة] offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty; repulsive; disgusting | |
[نحيي] give a sign of goodwill; compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow; honor |
[نسبة] the relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion | |
[منظم] conformed to order; in order; regular; well-regulated | |
[الحسية] physical rather than spiritual or intellectual; affecting any of senses or sense organ; sensory | |
[الأصل] place of origin; source; provenience |
[الساحقة] overpowering in effect or strength; very great or intense; extreme | |
[مور] a dark-colored person generally; broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained | |
[خبيث] injurious; tending to cause death; disposed to do evil | |
[حدادي] mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated degree |
[الخطر] danger; risk; hazard; jeopardy; exposure of person or property to injury, loss, or destruction | |
[رهيب] formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor | |
[الجبر] remedy; compensation; an act of correcting error or fault | |
[مفهوم] general or universal conception; belief or opinion |
[فاحشة] offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty; repulsive; disgusting | |
[منتديات] be absorbed in one's thoughts; consider or say thoughtfully | |
[نداء] request for help; excuse or pretext | |
[الأمهات] motherly; relating to mother or motherhood |
[البهاء] dignified or magnificent display; splendor | |
[الحسية] physical rather than spiritual or intellectual; affecting any of senses or sense organ; sensory | |
[الخطر] danger; risk; hazard; jeopardy; exposure of person or property to injury, loss, or destruction | |
[مور] a dark-colored person generally; broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained |