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  Level 3 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [मिट्टी के तेल] flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters

Spelling Word: kerosene
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v. [ढूँढ] find; settle; determine or specify the position or limits o

Spelling Word: locate
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ad. [lyrically] lyrically; in a manner that is pleasing to hear, as singing

Spelling Word: lyrically
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n. [सूक्ष्म जीव] germ; minute life form; microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease

Spelling Word: microbe
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a. [उग्रवादी महानगर] fighting or warring; having a combative character; aggressive

Spelling Word: militant
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n. [मूल भाव] dominant theme or central idea; repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration

Spelling Word: motif
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a. [एकाधिक] having, or consisting of more than one part; many

Spelling Word: multiple
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n. [संस्म��ण] homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past

Spelling Word: nostalgia
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a. [बिना गंध] having no odor; devoid of odor or fragrance

Spelling Word: odorless
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a. [सर्वोपरि] foremost in importance; supreme in rank

Spelling Word: paramount