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  Level 4 - 1 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [abut] border upon; adjoin; touch or end at one end or side; lie adjacent

Spelling Word: abut
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a. [ہمراہ] attendant; appearing or going with someone or something else

Spelling Word: accompanying
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v. [تعریف] be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of

Spelling Word: appreciate
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v. [asphyxiate] deprive of oxygen to the extent of producing death or severe symptoms; suffocate

Spelling Word: asphyxiate
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n. [cabinetmaker] a woodworker who specializes in making furniture;

Spelling Word: cabinetmaker
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a. [پکڑنے] act of seizing or taking hold of; captivating; alluring

Spelling Word: catching
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n. [چڑھ] anxiety caused by humiliation or injured pride; disappointment

Spelling Word: chagrin
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n. [سائڈر] beverage made from juice pressed from apples

Spelling Word: cider
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n. [درج کرنے کا کام] coins collectively

Spelling Word: coinage
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n. [تقابلی] associate; partner; either of two matching objects

Spelling Word: companion