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  Level 4 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [sắc] color; appearance; particular gradation of color

Spelling Word: hue
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n. [biện pháp] actions that people in authority carry out to achieve a particular result

Spelling Word: measures
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v. [hợp nhất] combine or join together, or to cause things to do this; unite

Spelling Word: merge
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a. [đa bào] consisting of many cells

Spelling Word: multicellular
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a. [tân cổ điển] characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style

Spelling Word: neoclassical
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n. [đối thủ] contestant; someone who offers opposition

Spelling Word: opponent
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n. [pháp lệnh] decree; authoritative command or order

Spelling Word: ordinance
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a. [cảnh] decorative; any plant grown for its beauty or [___] value

Spelling Word: ornamental
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a. [thuyết phục] capable of convincing; having the power to induce action or belief

Spelling Word: persuasive
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n. [thuốc trừ sâu] a chemical used to kill pests

Spelling Word: pesticide