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  Level 5 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [الخبيثة] deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred

Spelling Word: malicious
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v. [الإجهاض] appropriate wrongly; use for the wrong purpose; embezzle

Spelling Word: misappropriate
Read [Esc] (3)
n. [الرهن العقاري] transferring property title as security for the repayment of a loan

Spelling Word: mortgage
Read [Esc] (4)
v. [عاب] bite by little at a time; seize gently with the mouth; eat slowly or in small bits

Spelling Word: nibble
Read [Esc] (5)
n. [مفهوم] general or universal conception; belief or opinion

Spelling Word: notion
Read [Esc] (6)
n. [أوراكل] the answer of god; communications, revelations, or messages delivered by God to the prophets

Spelling Word: oracle
Read [Esc] (7)
n. [التكفير] repentance; sorrow; suffering; a means of repairing a sin committed and obtaining pardon for it

Spelling Word: penance
Read [Esc] (8)
a. [الخبيث] very destructive; tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly

Spelling Word: pernicious
Read [Esc] (9)
n. [الجماهير] the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place  

Spelling Word: populace
Read [Esc] (10)
v. [ينذر] foretell or predict; indicate or warn of in advance

Spelling Word: presage