Letter Example for Student

Letter Title: Write to your uncle's friend to ask for help when planning a trip to his city

Keywords or Topics: travel arrangement

The letter samples about 'Write to your uncle's friend to ask for help when planning a trip to his city' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each letter is a model to study.

Besides, more letter questions sharing the topic of travel arrangement are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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 Letter questions and examples
Write to your uncle's friend to ask for help when planning a trip to his city.
Answer 1
Dear Harrison,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. My name is William Smith, and I am writing to you at the recommendation of my uncle, John Smith. I understand that you reside in Sydney, and I will be visiting your beautiful country for a one-week vacation.

As I am unfamiliar with the area, I am reaching out to you for some guidance and assistance during my stay. I will be staying in Sydney and would greatly appreciate your recommendations for accommodations, ...
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Lexical skills
Letter Questions for Topic : travel arrangement
1. Write to the hotel manager to explain the accommodations you require for a group trip.

2. Write to a colleague about airport pickup, hotel, and meeting arrangements.

3. Write to tell a colleague about your planned visit to the town where you used to work.

4. Write to a friend about your plan for a picnic in the countryside.