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(پنپنے) grow tiresome; have dulling, wearisome, or boring effect

Spelling Word: pall
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(pare) remove outer covering or skin of with knife or similar instrument

Spelling Word: pare
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(حملہ) sudden outburst of emotion or action; sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease

Spelling Word: paroxysm
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(percolate) spread gradually; cause liquid to pass through small holes; filter

Spelling Word: percolate
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(peremptory) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal

Spelling Word: peremptory
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(philology) study of language; investigation of language and its literature

Spelling Word: philology
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(سرخیل) initial; groundbreaking; originating; serving to pioneer

Spelling Word: pioneering
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(plasticity) ability to be molded, formed, or modeled; quality or state of being plastic

Spelling Word: plasticity
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(بہادر) having or showing courage and spirit in trying circumstances

Spelling Word: plucky
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(حدود) rule or principle prescribing particular action or conduct; authorized direction or order

Spelling Word: precept