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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[جھونکا] blast; outburst; a sudden strong wind | |
[douse] plunge into water; wet thoroughly; extinguish | |
[امانویی] lacking pity or compassion; cruel and savage | |
[پتلا] crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group; likeness or image, especially of a person |
[طوق] restrain with U-shaped bar for ankles or feet; impede; hamper | |
[لوککتاوں] traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally | |
[منصب] token; figure on the bow of some sailing vessels | |
[اخراج] radiation; discharge; an act of emitting |
[منصب] token; figure on the bow of some sailing vessels | |
[frolic] engage in merrymaking, joking, or teasing | |
[پکارنا] bring out; arouse; call forth | |
[چھوڑنے] leave someone who needs or counts on you |
[exuberant] high spirited; joyously unrestrained; abundant; luxurious | |
[سندنش] a pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction | |
[منع] prohibitive; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance | |
[filibuster] block legislation by making long speeches |
[طوق] restrain with U-shaped bar for ankles or feet; impede; hamper | |
[سندنش] a pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction | |
[لوککتاوں] traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally | |
[entangle] twist or interweave as not to be easily separated; make tangled, confused, and intricate; perplex; bewilder; puzzle |
[منع] prohibitive; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance | |
[گھور] shining intensely and blindingly; staring with anger or fierceness | |
[filibuster] block legislation by making long speeches | |
[douse] plunge into water; wet thoroughly; extinguish |
[پکارنا] bring out; arouse; call forth | |
[بڑھا] increase severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate | |
[سندنش] a pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction | |
[رچنا] charge; accuse formally of a crime |
[چھوڑنے] leave someone who needs or counts on you | |
[بڑھا] increase severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate | |
[بگاڑنا] injure or hurt; become worse; affect negatively | |
[fanaticism] excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause |
[بڑھا] increase severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate | |
[پتلا] crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group; likeness or image, especially of a person | |
[فریگیٹ] originally, a vessel of the Mediterranean propelled by sails and by oars; any small vessel on the water | |
[husk] shell; outer covering |
[یکساں] of the same or similar nature or kind | |
[husk] shell; outer covering | |
[billowing dulcet] sweet sounding; pleasing to ear; melodious | |
[دوآن] a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas; emit a cloud of fine particles |