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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 3 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[سنکوچی] abashed; daunted; very modest, or modest excess; constitutionally disposed to shrink from public notice | |
[متروک] left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty | |
[کوشل] mental keenness; quickness of perception | |
[پریت] ghostly figure; sudden or unusual sight; appearance; state of being visible |
[اداس] in low spirits from loss of hope or courage | |
[assertive] positive; affirming confidently; affirmative; peremptory | |
[گروہ] small exclusive group of friends or associates | |
[سپریم] highest point; vertex; summit; climax |
[معذرت خواہانہ] offering or expressing an apology or excuse; serving as or containing a formal justification or defense | |
[بیرومیٹر] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere | |
[کوریوگرافی] art of representing dances in written symbols; the arrangement of dances | |
[کوشل] mental keenness; quickness of perception |
[کاسٹک] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action | |
[پریت] ghostly figure; sudden or unusual sight; appearance; state of being visible | |
[گروہ] small exclusive group of friends or associates | |
[گندا] pollute; make dirty or spotty |
[بیرومیٹر] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere | |
[اپانگ] something appended to or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it | |
[انگار] partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible, in which fire is extinct; hot coal without flame | |
[مسند] support or prop up with or as if with a long narrow pillow or cushion |
[صوتی] science of sound; the quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in | |
[انگار] partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible, in which fire is extinct; hot coal without flame | |
[اعتراض] object because of doubts; hesitate | |
[لاگو] capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance |
[دولسانی] using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency | |
[مسند] support or prop up with or as if with a long narrow pillow or cushion | |
[آغاز] the first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing; rise; origin; beginning; start | |
[گندا] pollute; make dirty or spotty |
[آتش] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[dawdle] proceed slowly; waste time | |
[گرا] raze; destroy; do away with completely; put an end to | |
[ناکہ بندی] shutting up of a place by troops or ships; obstruction to passage |
[انگار] partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible, in which fire is extinct; hot coal without flame | |
[اجماع] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to | |
[لاحقہ] belief in or acceptance of something as right; faith | |
[معذرت خواہانہ] offering or expressing an apology or excuse; serving as or containing a formal justification or defense |