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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 4 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[افلاس] hardship; state of extreme poverty | |
[lachrymose] lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; lacking spirit or liveliness | |
[] lie; stray from or evade the truth; behave in an evasive way such as to delay action | |
[plutocracy] society or government ruled by wealthy class |
[ٹوٹ] make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of | |
[miasma] swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence | |
[سست] slow; sluggish; wasting time | |
[کلین] belong to noble origin; having high birth |
[licentious] amoral; unrestrained; lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint | |
[mote] one who, or that which, molds or forms into shape; one skilled in the art of making molds for castings | |
[مقننہ] wash or flow against; wash one's face and hands | |
[سست] slow; sluggish; wasting time |
[افلاس] hardship; state of extreme poverty | |
[lilliputian] extremely small; very small person; trivial or petty | |
[peccadillo] slight offense; small sin or fault | |
[perquisite] any gain above stipulated salary; extra payment |
[jinx] prejudiced; affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of the skin; yellow or yellowish | |
[mesmerize] hypnotize; attract strongly, as if with a magnet; bring into a state of mesmeric sleep | |
[نفرت] strong dislike, contempt, or aversion; hatefulness; disrepute | |
[نکالے رہے] be lazy or idle; move, stand, or recline in a relaxed manner |
[misconstrue] interpret incorrectly; misjudge; mistake the meaning of | |
[تشہیر] broadcast; announce; make public | |
[perfidy] act of violating faith or allegiance; violation of a promise or vow, or of the trust reposed; faithlessness; treachery | |
[plutocracy] society or government ruled by wealthy class |
[دور] make less severe or harsh; moderate | |
[obstreperous] noisily aggressive; making great noise or outcry | |
[ٹوٹ] make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of | |
[misconstrue] interpret incorrectly; misjudge; mistake the meaning of |
[megalomania] mental disorder with delusions of grandeur | |
[irreconcilable irreproachable] perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable | |
[nestling] bird too young to leave its nest; young child | |
[proffer] hold forth so that a person may take; offer for acceptance |
[megalomania] mental disorder with delusions of grandeur | |
[] lie; stray from or evade the truth; behave in an evasive way such as to delay action | |
[ٹوٹ] make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of | |
[perfidy] act of violating faith or allegiance; violation of a promise or vow, or of the trust reposed; faithlessness; treachery |
[] lie; stray from or evade the truth; behave in an evasive way such as to delay action | |
[opulence] extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance | |
[magnate] powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry | |
[الجھا] tied in knots; covered with knots or knobs; difficult to understand or solve |