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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 2 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[त्यागना] give up something with reluctance; retire from; give up or abandon | |
[दीमक] a whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood; white ant | |
[प्रभु] having supreme rank or power; self-governing; excellent; independent | |
[फिर से शुरू] bring back to life; rise from the dead; bring back into practice, notice, or use |
[स्टीरियोटाइप] fixed and unvarying representation; conventional and oversimplified conception | |
[सौंपनेवाला] deliver; give or make available; provide; represent in a drawing or painting | |
[लावा] residue by smelting metal ore; waste material from a coal mine; scum that forms on the surface of molten metal | |
[चिड़चिड़ा] irritated or impatient; easily annoyed; peevish |
[आवारा] leisurely walking; traveling from place to place seeking work or gain | |
[कृंतक] gnawing; biting; corroding; any of various mammals of rodent, such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, | |
[प्रतिकार] something justly deserved; recompense; compensation; punishment for offenses | |
[tugboat] a small, powerful boat designed for towing or pushing larger vessels |
[त्यागना] give up something with reluctance; retire from; give up or abandon | |
[वसीयतनामा] solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his will | |
[plasticity] abandon; disown; turn away from; give up | |
[लोभी] mean or miserly person; selfish person |
[स्टीरियोटाइप] fixed and unvarying representation; conventional and oversimplified conception | |
[शिकस्त] strike, with the open hand; slap; move with a quick | |
[चिड़चिड़ा] irritated or impatient; easily annoyed; peevish | |
[आलस] laziness; apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue; any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals |
[हाथापाई] unceremonious and disorganized struggle; rushing about hastily in an undignified way | |
[सांत्वना] comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress | |
[स्टीरियोटाइप] fixed and unvarying representation; conventional and oversimplified conception | |
[दरार] a shallow area in a waterway; break in friendly relations; narrow fissure in a rock |
[मोच] a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments | |
[शिथिलता] sink, in the middle, by its weight or under applied pressure, below a horizontal line or plane | |
[विक्रेता] seller; provider; vending machine | |
[plasticity] abandon; disown; turn away from; give up |
[कानूनी] enacted by statute; depending on the statute for its authority | |
[फिर से तैयार करना] make changes in structure or style; reconstruct; change the form of | |
[वसीयतनामा] solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his will | |
[नीलमणि] a precious transparent stone of rich blue corundum valued as a gemstone |
[चप्पा चप्पा छान मारना] make an energetic, usually hasty search | |
[भूमिगत] hidden; secret; situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground | |
[आवारा] leisurely walking; traveling from place to place seeking work or gain | |
[जाल] trap; gin; anything by which one is entangled and brought into trouble |
[tugboat] a small, powerful boat designed for towing or pushing larger vessels | |
[अचेत] surprise greatly; amaze; make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow | |
[हाथापाई] unceremonious and disorganized struggle; rushing about hastily in an undignified way | |
[भूमिगत] hidden; secret; situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground |