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(неуязвимым) incapable of injury; impossible to damage, injure, or wound

Spelling Word: invulnerable
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(вспыльчивый) irritable; easily angered; excited by or arising from anger

Spelling Word: irascible
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(желчный) prejudiced; affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; yellow or yellowish

Spelling Word: jaundiced
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(хунты) group of men joined in political intrigue; group of military officers ruling a country

Spelling Word: junta
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(юрисдикции) authority; right and power to interpret and apply the law

Spelling Word: jurisdiction
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(вялый) lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; lacking spirit or liveliness

Spelling Word: lackadaisical
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(тусклым) dull; lacking luster or shine

Spelling Word: lackluster
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(языковой) relating to language or linguistics; relating to study of language

Spelling Word: linguistic
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(гибкая) flexible; moving and bending with ease

Spelling Word: lithe
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(хам) awkward and stupid person; troublemaker, often violent

Spelling Word: lout