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 Group 8 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(дьявол) implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel

Spelling Word: fiend
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(грязь) foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution

Spelling Word: filth
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(флаг) become less intense; sink, or settle from pressure

Spelling Word: flag
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(вопиющих) obvious and offensive, blatant, scandalous; flaming into notice

Spelling Word: flagrant
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(льдины) mass of floating ice; ice formed by freezing of surface-water of polar oceans

Spelling Word: floe
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(процветать) grow well; decorate with ornaments; be in a period of productivity

Spelling Word: flourish
Read [Esc] (7)
(Fluke) unlikely occurrence; stroke of good luck; accident

Spelling Word: fluke
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(кормовых) coarse food for cattle or horses

Spelling Word: fodder
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(слабость) moral weakness; failing; weak point; slight fault

Spelling Word: foible
Read [Esc] (10)
(терпение) patience; restraint of passions; act of forbearing or waiting

Spelling Word: forbearance