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Group 2 - Matching Quizzes |
(察覺,發覺,探測,偵查) feel; discover the presence of; identify | |
(建造,創立) form by assembling or combining parts; build; create | |
(戲劇) play; literary work intended for theater | |
(推斷,作出結論) enclose; reach as an end of reasoning; make final determination ; judge or decide; bring to an end |
(符合,順應,相配,使適合) comply with; follow; fit; meet | |
(評價,估價) judge; examine and judge carefully; appraise | |
(統治,支配,控制) monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in | |
(推論,推想,演繹) lead forth; reach a conclusion by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of |
(否認,否定) disagree with; refuse; declare untrue | |
(授予,贈與,(專門會議)商議) bestow; present; have a conference in order to talk something over | |
(爭論,辯論) discussion; dispute; discussion involving opposing points | |
(消費,消耗,大吃大喝) devour; eat |
(充滿活力的) energetic; vigorously active | |
(當代的,存在的) modern; belonging to the same period of time | |
(環境) surroundings; totality of surrounding conditions | |
(評價,估價) judge; examine and judge carefully; appraise |
(當代的,存在的) modern; belonging to the same period of time | |
(爭論,辯論) discussion; dispute; discussion involving opposing points | |
(家裡的,家養的) house-hold; of or relating to the home ; within the country or home | |
(循環,周而復始,週期) periodically repeated sequence of events; long period of time; entire round in a circle or a spire |
(十年,十年期間) a group of ten, especially a period of ten years | |
(使相等) make equal or equivalent; consider, treat, or depict as equal or equivalent | |
((對比,對照的)差異) act of distinguishing by comparing differences | |
(矛盾,抵觸) confront; oppose |
(強使,強逼) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
(種族的) relating to races; group of people sharing common racial, national, or religious heritage | |
(不管,不顧,即使) lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred | |
(推斷,作出結論) enclose; reach as an end of reasoning; make final determination ; judge or decide; bring to an end |
(推論,推想,演繹) lead forth; reach a conclusion by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
(強使,強逼) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
(戲劇) play; literary work intended for theater | |
(察覺,發覺,探測,偵查) feel; discover the presence of; identify |
(家裡的,家養的) house-hold; of or relating to the home ; within the country or home | |
(排除,剔除) eradicate; abolish; rule out | |
(背離) turn away from a principle, norm; depart; diverge | |
(充滿活力的) energetic; vigorously active |
(爭論,辯論) discussion; dispute; discussion involving opposing points | |
(十年,十年期間) a group of ten, especially a period of ten years | |
(統治,支配,控制) monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in | |
(矛盾,抵觸) confront; oppose |