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Academic Words Level 4 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[उभाड़ना] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[जगाना] excite; stimulate; awaken from or as if from sleep | |
[बुलाई] cause to come together formally | |
[किशोरावस्था] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity |
[विवाद] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[झुकना] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear | |
[खंडन करना] reduce from an inflated condition; release contained air or gas from | |
[आंदोलन] anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance |
[परिणाम निकालना] lead forth; conclude by reasoning; trace the origin or derivation of | |
[लगभग] come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount | |
[प्रसारण] exposure to air for freshening or drying; exposure to public attention; radio or television broadcast | |
[किशोरावस्था] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity |
[संयुक्त] made up of distinct parts or elements; compounded | |
[संज्ञानात्मक] knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
[विरोध] active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor | |
[परित्यक्त] left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty |
[बैरोमीटर] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere | |
[सौंदर्य] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
[आड़] hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
[चकित] affect with wonder; surprise; shock |
[किशोरावस्था] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | |
[उभाड़ना] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[निदान] analyze; examine; identify the cause of something | |
[सुपुर्द] give, transfer, or deliver formally, as if by signing over into the possession of another |
[कुंडल] a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes | |
[बुलाई] cause to come together formally | |
[सड़ना] decay, or to cause something to decay | |
[जलीय] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water |
[प्रसारण] exposure to air for freshening or drying; exposure to public attention; radio or television broadcast | |
[ईमानदार] diligent; responsible; reliable | |
[नामित] indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to | |
[culminate बोझिल] heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk |
[बुलाई] cause to come together formally | |
[विवाद] competing as for any profit or prize | |
[समझना] decide; judge; sentence; condemn | |
[परित्यक्त] left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty |
[उभाड़ना] cause to curve outward; swell up; stick out; protrude | |
[दीन] loud, confused, harsh noise; loud, continuous, rattling, or clanging sound | |
[झुकना] bend down; stoop low; lie close to the ground with the legs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey or in fear | |
[जलीय] consisting of, relating to, or being in the water |